Monday, January 30, 2006 ♥ 10:51 AM

happy chi new year to all!! =D hehe hope everyone had a great new year. hmm ytd dnt reli collect much angbao... =((( haha nvm lah. every year also will decrease one =P anw.. dnt gamble ytd!! sad sad sad. lke every new year also will gamble de loh.. this year exception sia. haaaaiixxx.. and somemore ytd nite reli nth to do den stone all de wae at my mom's fren's daughter's hse [=X] dnt ton ytd also.. haix. i seriously foresee a bad year ahead mann. and this clicks well with de fengshui thingy i heard on tv.. haix it better not be "bad" for 'A's =X

hehe alright. todae'll a much better dae.. at least i wont be stoning most of the time.. going kbox later with my ah bond and jie! =))) wahahas cant wait mann... lol alright. enjoy ur dae everyone =]

Saturday, January 28, 2006 ♥ 10:35 PM

had reunion dinner at grandma's hse just now! =D hee quite a sumptous spread.. ytd eat yusheng todae eat again =X but nvm lah we're all happy =] my cousin came back from sydney for cny! haha super long nv see him le... its been lke 4-5yrs?? he put on some weight... but still as shuai as ever~ lol. anw, took cab to yishun and back.. spent lke 30bucks on transport sia =X we're kinda late for the dinner so hafta took cab.. and after dinner we're tired and slpy so took cab again. hehs.

helpd ard with some last min spring-cleaning todae.. so guai rite xP *haha ok pls dun slap me* yeah and tt made me realise how much dust has accumulated in those hard-to-reach places in just 1 year.. totally horrible mann. but happy to see a nice clean house now =)) ok tts for todae lah.. kinda stoned. haix my throat getting vry dry recently.. think im falling sick =X well, guess i better get well soon.

Friday, January 27, 2006 ♥ 11:58 PM

had a super tiring dae! went to sch for cny celebration.. heh 1st dae wear new specs to sch =] maybe i looked lke some freak lah but wadever. i lke de specs a lot =) had j1-j2 interaction todae.. haha think not bad leh! de game quite alrite.. den after tt went to hall for concert.. woooo the a capella from "beach boys" totally rocks mann!! haha wonder if they joined superband... i'll definitely support them all de wae! ;) lol im so proud of pioneers mann~ and the mv of chi dpt trs and performance by mr tay [our vp!! he's so damn cool~ ;)] were also reli funny and nice.. haha i love pjc!! xP

anw, went home to change into nicer clothes [wear until nice nice and go out in shoes?? so ugly loh.. =X] and met up with ah bond for lunch.. went taka to eat.. hehehe food paradise den vry hard to resist gd food yah? =P finish le met woeilin at bugis go walk walk.. haha showed them where i bought my specs. lol my ah bond lked the specs tts the same as mine except for the colour [its magenta instead of red]! lol so damn cool lah if we get the sames specs in addition to our "collection" of same ripcurl totes and duno-wad-brand sling bags.. haha i love my ah bond! =P keke ok i must not zi high.

cldnt join them and yihui and gang for dinner cos hafta go for reunion dinner.. met my mom at er, home. =X she dropped her hp in toilet bowl todae lah! super suay sia.. den canot contact her at all eh.. sad case mann. just before cny somemore.. heh nvm tt means hafta sign new plan which means get new phone which means i'll get new hp. wahahahahaha =X ok i must now xing zai le huo.

anw, went to serangoon garden der eat reunion dinner with my cousins.. it was at jumbo seafood restaurant. heard tt its quite famous but i nv hear before leh =X ok nvm. dnt reli haf a full meal... just not hungry after de meal. haix sad. de food's gd btw! haha *recommend recommend* =P ate the chilli crabs even though my ulcers hurt lke shit.. but hey, it acheli numbs them ya noe. heh maybe they'll start healing tmr after the "yi du gong du" method? [oops getting vry cheena ar this entry.. =X] ok so tts all for todae.. dinner ended quite late cos the restaurant forgot we reserved a table and so we waited for lke 30mins++ for seats.. waste of time sia. yep so reached home ard 11+... so tired. but had a totally awesome dae. hehe cny approaching soon.. cant wait to get angbaos. =P haha alrite. shall go slp now. hee nitex~ =)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 ♥ 8:46 PM

had 2 super long daes ytd and todae.. ytd's once again the dreaded tues and todae's cca dae.. zzzz reli tired. hmm ytd nth much.. just vry vry slpy. todae had short chem test on grp7.. heh dnt study for it =X haix another fail... and it reli looks lke i wont be doing well for chemical energetics either.. =((((

anw, band todae was quite gd lah.. sectionals not much probs.. well unless u count getting chased out by the auntie =X combined quite alrite too.. tried most of the usual pieces. haha lets swing was gd todae.. tempo faster. hee i lke i lke =P lol and norman was making lotsa "noise" with tt canot-be-tuned recorder.. haha and der's this clarinetist from rv who's reli zai.. *clap clap* got future seh~ lol.

went for dinner at kfc after band.. hehe shrooms again =P den after tt go delifrance eat ice-cream waffle... so long nv eat le! keke costs 5.95 but its still super nice.. yum yum =P yeah so tts todae... having walla reunion tmr! hehe cant wait cant wait =P

Sunday, January 22, 2006 ♥ 8:44 PM

had another superbly great dae todae!! =D hehee went shopping at bugis with adelaine.. lol enjoyed the dae lots mann! =D keke i just love weekends where i can shop til i drop.. =P kinda neglected my hw this week lah.. *oops* =X but nvm. at least i enjoyed =P shall study later.... [i will k ;)]

went to m-industrie and related shops todae again.. keke. saw a reli nice skirt at m-industrie! wanted to buy it so much.. budden dnt lah.. no money le =X ade saw a v-neck shirt too.. but also nv buy.. *sads* it lookd reli nice on her! =D bought a shirt at pink-industrie though.. it wasnt der ytd! haha its pink.. so "in" with new year loh.. heh and i took a seriously long time to decide btwn pink and white [lol poor ade.. so sorry! =P] cos both look nice.. heh in de end i chose pink lah. =P

went to take neoprints after tt! lols it was still quite early [arnd 12+] so not many ppl.. lol took at the machine i took with mich de prev dae! hehehe its reli super nice... once again we're both totally satisfied with the photos. de decos are reli just too nice~~ ^^ *im sure both mich and ade will agree ;)*

shopped arnd the edge for a while too.. dnt find any nice stuff so went to bugis street.. whoa lotsa ppl sia. shopped for so long over der loh... and we kinda got lost lah =XxX but bought quite a lot of things der... bought 2 mickey shirts [hehe], 2 belts and a pair of earrings. initially oni bought one brown belt.. think it goes well with almost everything. den saw a reli reli nice pink belt tt goes super well with blue jeans. woo! hehe so i bought it lah =P cldnt resist.. and der's this pair of earrings i wanted to buy sooo much but dnt cos it costs $10.90! =X so ex loh.. it was on my mind all de wae after tt lah cos i liked it so much.. haix nvm. saw another reli nice pair after tt which costs 3.90 oni.. hehe so i got tt =P and ade got a pair of three-quarts tts reli nice.. lol last piece! think it looks reli nice on her =)

shopped alot todae.. dnt manage to get my slippers and handbag though =((( but nvm lah.. spent quite a bomb todae. den ade left arnd 5.30 and i met up with my mom for dinner... hehehehe went to look at the specs at paris miki and the other shop! =P *oops sorrie 4got the shop name =X* showed her the zio specs... den went to the other one show her those tt suited me.. heh rmbr i lked the zio one a lot? but in de end i realised the specs in the other shop looked nice too.. hehe =P de front's dark red and side's red and white lah.. so national-flag rite =P nvm lah. goes well with new year, national dae and maybe xmas? =XxX hehe like it so much.. yep bought it ;) cant wait for collection mann!! hee so excited.. its been sucha totally great dae!! =)))))

Saturday, January 21, 2006 ♥ 10:05 PM

went out with ah bei todae [mich bei]!! =D hee so happy.. finally can buy new year clothes~ had been kinda broke the past few weeks lah.. yep so todae finally got money.. even though its oni 50bucks =X

went to town todae.. met mich at cck int and took 190. haha talked a lot on the bus.. keke. =P anw, went to far east 1st.. whoa 1st time i go far east so fast leave sia.. lol duno why todae so little ppl sia.. and somemore on a sat eh.. weird =X maybe cos still early. ok anw, i was hungry lah so we headed to taka [food paradise ;)] for lunch.. hee ate at yoshinoya! lke super long nv dine der le.. and after tt had venezia's ice cream for dessert. hehs. =P den walked arnd aimlessly lah.. duno why but taka lke sudd nth to shop =X

went to heeren to take neoprints! but not vry nice =X de colour sux loh.. anw, bought a top and mich bought her flesh-imp skirt.. hee nice nice =D also went to cine and esprit.. nth much.. oh oh. took neoprints at cine again... super nice!! xD haha love the decos and colours and everything... its 11bucks but i can tell u its super duper worth it. reli nice =) *thumbs up* [ps. <-- make tt double ;)] hehehe love de neoprints soooo much.. dun even care tt i spent a whole $10.50 todae on neoprints alone.. they're nice and tts all tt matters =P

heh after tt town lke a bit sian.. so went to bugis.. lol saw lotsa nice nice clothes at m.industrie, CO3 and pink.industrie.. just wanted to splurge on these 3 shops alone~ but obvly canot lah.. budget limited sia. =P hee initially dnt buy anything one.. went to walk one big round arnd parco bugis to see if can find anymore nice things [u noe, girls are alwaes lke tt.. =P] but in the end still went back and bought one top each.. heh =P

oh. went into optique paris miki to look at my wan-buy-for-long-long-time-liao-but-no-money specs.. so mani nice ones!! xD hehehe.. realised tt thin full-frames suit me.. yep so im getting those kind one.. keke. tried on so mani lah de 2 of us.. lol think de salesperson a bit bue song liao but we dun care =P anw, found a reli nice pair from zio in de shop! frame costs 187... but got 20% discount. still quite ex lah.. but its reli been a long time since i had a reli gd pair of specs ;) hehe hope can buy tt one.. went into a 2nd specs shop and also saw a lot of nice ones.. keke but i still lke the zio one =PpP hehehe happy happy dae lah todae. =D

ate dinner at mc after tt den went home le.. had sucha nice dae out todae! my feet hurt a lot from all de walking lah.. but i simply just love shopping toooo much to bother much abt tt =P hehe ok this entry vry long liao.. ending ending.. ended =X

Thursday, January 19, 2006 ♥ 9:30 PM

bio and chem tess are finally over!!! woooohooo i feel totally relieved mann!! haha although im gonna do so damn super duper ultra badly for de tests but wadever lah! they're o-v-e-r~~ hehehe feel so happy.

anw, heard tt fail chem test den must attend remedial... im so prepared for it! yeah must plan for the future.. so i'll be going home later den ever. sads.. but its alrite if it means better grades for As mann~ haha think this 2 weeks everyone pia a lot.. must be some pre-As stress.. ok lame =X

hmm todae math lect was bad too. as usual, i dnt catch anything. before i cld even do anything abt trigo1 she alredi moved on to trigo2 =| how nice mann.. im so dead in all 3 subs im taking. can i lke drop all of them? *ok i ans myslf: NO.*

alrite shall got revise for my math test. heard its easy -or rather, not difficult. =) hehe. yep so i see a small glimpse of hope lah.. haha pass enuff le. lol okok. off i go~

Tuesday, January 17, 2006 ♥ 9:19 PM

this entry is sooo gonna be full of complaints.

had a totally horrible dae ytd and todae. life sucks!! yeah and its lke just the 2nd dae of de week? =| ytd's lessons ended at 2pm and got chem make-up lect at 6pm... so "studied" in canteen all the wae. supposed to be walla mugging session lah. but apparently not many came. studied with gina peiwen etc anw.. supposed to be doing lotsa stuff during tt 4hrs lah but apparently we dnt achieve much. so...

yeah den went to chem lect. ended at 7.40pm!! so late.. by the time i went home i was alredi 3/4 dead lah. and der's still this thing called homework in this world. argh. slpt quite late ytd lah.. did sooo mani things within the 16hrs i was awake -well, literally. its reli the most hardworking dae of my life ytd. cant believe i acheli studied all de wae from 8am to 7.40pm.. hur hur. and i survived. *weak smile*

alrite now abt todae. 1st thing i wanna sae. tuesdays totally suck!! why must my lessons end at 6pm [yeah lke, agAiN??] and why must it end in pe??? ahhhhhhhhhh i just wanna scream my head off and die. had sucha tedious dae.. and der're still 4 tests coming up in the next 3 daes! haven finish my revision yet.. it kills. its lke taking promos again ya noe. and i dun understand a shit abt trigo so i kinda question-marked all the wae during math lect. and i dun think im vry sure abt grp 2 and grp7 too. this only spells one thing: S-H-I-T. how de hell am i supposed to do my tut whn i dun even noe wads going on?? haix........ math lect's the worst. lecturer went so fast from double-angle to factor and to R-sth formulae. and i think we're supposed to memorise all those formulae. i am so dead! oh crap. =|

reached home arnd 8pm todae. so early. dnt reli study much just now. too tired le.. esp after the stupid 6 rounds arnd de track tt nearly killed me. haix think i'll do super badly for the tests this week. bio'll be vry jialat. its respiration and photsynthesis!! the 2 chapters tt killed my clique. =X hopefully we'll all get a pass. im sure we'll thank god for tt. yeah alrite. i sudd 4got wad i wanted to sae. shall end here. enuff of complaints.

Saturday, January 14, 2006 ♥ 9:33 PM

ok just wanna sae tt the walla photos are uploaded to my album le.. can get them at pj orientation`06 =)

4got to blog ytd.. it was a memorable dae mann! =D had lessons as usual in the morning.. went to sch oni for math tut -_-" anw, had walla thanksgiving ytd!! =D hehe so glad to meet up with my clan mates again~ zoey ade mich and i dnt reli get proper gifts for dem.. so we just gaf them de chocs i bought and promised to get sth else for them next time.. keke =P

den some of them have classes so they went off.. leaving jieshi john and me to stone =X reli rotted for 2hrs loh.. den guangyi came to "entertain" us.. lols gd job gd job =P oh oh. received a gift from yann ming too.. thnx lots! must rmbr ur ogls hor~~ =P yep den after stoning went for band loh... the j1s came! band room sudd vry filled.. hmm dnt reli get to intro outselves and all tt cos we're called back quite soon. full band a bit messy lah.. esp flute =X a lot of tuning prob sia.. den after band went lot1 buy dinner with gold mbr and ken loh. heh so tt ended ytd. =X

hee planning to haf walla mugging sessions and reunion dinner.. cant wait cant wait =P ok i must not zi high anymore [as wad my testimonials tell me..... =X] lol alrite talking to myslf again.. shall end here.. =]

Thursday, January 12, 2006 ♥ 7:53 PM

todae's a super loooooong dae....... was dead and tired and off the whole dae. had pe early in the morning.. heh i "played" reserve during captain's ball as usual lah =P running tt time vry funny.. michael kwok keep "scaring" us by sudd speaking from a dark corner. lols funny session todae lah. after tt had chem lect and tut. 3hrs straight mann. o-m-g it almost took my life awae. hate this abrupt switch back to reality.. to think i was enjoying and screaming my lungs out during orientation just 3 daes ago! =X haix.. and chem finished at 10.30. only 10.30!! seemed lke the dae's ending liao.. budden still so early.. sian diao. and it kept raining todae again. total conducive envt for slping sia...bad for a time whn i haf to catch up on last week's work.. haix just a lethargic dae todae lah.

after sch went for math extra lessons cos i dun understand a shit abt mi and got qns for numerical methods and trigo =X how can ppl do so much in one week?? soo much to catch up on... im dead. and tests for all subjs next week... ahhhh!!!! yEs iM gOinG crAzy!!!!!!!! xO

alrite my break time's over. time for mugging =X

Tuesday, January 10, 2006 ♥ 1:43 PM

orientation ended ytd night... so sad.. but the finale's a total blast! =D haha it was totally awesome ytd during the campfire.. everyone got so super duper high!! =D lol and it was truly some achievement to get the whole sch to "dance" together during walla's clan performance.. all of us were so happy to see tt! woohooo success!!! =D

hmm ytd in the dae everyone vry slpy.. heh almost fell aslp in the lt =X super tired. budden during campfire think everyone woke up le.. but only danced fun dance and mass dance once! so sad... looked forward to it soooo mani times! and i dnt even get to debrief my og properly cos vry late den they haf to go le... haix. a bit bu gan yuan but wad to do.. nvm. still got og outings! hehe can talk a lot den =)

oh and went for walla supper after finale! haha enjoyed a lot ytd.. esp during campfire where all of us literally went crazy! dance and dance, scream and scream.. haha i dun even care if i lose my voice. just wanna scream and cheer all de wae! =D oh and we got a new pioneer orientation`06 cheer thnx to inyo! =D love tt cheer a lot.. even though i think "inyo" sounds better than "pioneer" lah =P but it still rox!!

so sad tt orientation ended.. it just means work and more work! hopefully i'll study hard this year... dun wanna do badly for As.. keke cant wait for walla mugging session =P cant wait to meet up with walla and my og17 again!! starting to miss all of them le.. hee wAllA rOcks!!!!! =D

Sunday, January 08, 2006 ♥ 10:28 PM

had clan dinner todae!! =D hehe had lotsa laughs during dinner.. lol all thanks to the 4 ppl on my left and 4 ppl on my right. lol nearly made me choke on my pepsi.. but nvm! haha feel so happy with my clan mates... kekes i love walla!! =P

hmm this morning kinda stone lah.. i read up on my plant transport chapter =X haha so amazing i acheli did some work todae.. also got hw on MI and gp but er, MI i dun understand at all and im just still sick of gp can. haix im sooo dead on wed.. tues must pia le! gotta finish up my current hw before everything starts piling up again =X

met up with walla arnd evening.. not all went though. but it was still great to hang out with them! =D dined at pizza hut.. where we used up most of the parmesan cheese and chilli flakes =X *ooops guess the staff der cldnt wait for us to leave =X* lol der was so much parmesan cheese on some ppl's pizza tt de pizza cant even be seen.. and zoey still got add pepper on the pizza! haha lke wad the hell lah.. lol yep so some sort of world war 3 happened lah =X

anw, went to take neoprints after dinner! haha had lotsa funny decos.. got saliva and specs [which fit john's face perfectly] and all tt stuff.. lol all thnx to zoey mann~~ lols.

yep so todae's quite a fun dae.. tmr's the finale of orientation!! so sad.. honeymoon over le.. after tues its gonna be a battle btwn hw and us! =X yep so i shall enjoy as much as i can tmr before i start missing orientation too much... alrite this is full of crap. again.

Saturday, January 07, 2006 ♥ 8:29 PM

todae woke up eyes super puffy lah.. lke last nite i cried lidat =X reli vry tired. but amazingly i woke up at 8.30 without my alarm. woooo! =X anw, went for clan meeting in sch to discuss abt clan performance during orientation finale.. came up with the dance steps! haha de process's reli fun ;) had lotsa laughs todae.. and after tt went for lunch at long john with my clan. hee overall quite a fun dae lah.. aww dun i just love walla to bits =P

ok its another crappy entry =X

Friday, January 06, 2006 ♥ 9:50 PM

its finally the weekend!!!! woohoooo 've waiting for this dae for soooo long.. super tired super slpy! hee but reli enjoyed lots these few daes... so happy to see the improvement in my og's response! =D hehehe the sense of "achievement"'s reli good =D

heh think if i blog abt everything tt made my daes sooo super duper happy this entry's gonna be damn long. so i wont lah. save u all the torture. heh heh. [too tired also =P] its just been great these few daes.. i love walla and i love og17!! u guys rOck~~ =D

*ok time to slp*

Tuesday, January 03, 2006 ♥ 8:52 PM

hee orientation started todae.. me and mich're late todae! =XxX hehehehe. budden still in time lah.. hmm nth much happened todae. just got to noe who my og ppl are [although i cant reli rmbr their names =X] and directed them for lunch and games.. yups not much lah. hope tmr'll haf more activities den can get to noe them better! =D kekex.

had a few hrs of lessons todae.. my ct's ms xiao! heh and ive got pretty gd trs for my sciences too... =D! happy happy. went for band after orientation to prac a bit.. heh reli a bit lah. dnt do much.. yep so tts abt todae. super tired!! shall rest early todae... =)

Monday, January 02, 2006 ♥ 3:32 PM

had a great dae! well so far lah. hehs. went out with my mom to buy stuff for new year! haha finally.. went to suntec arnd noon and bought er, stuff tts quite irrelevant to new year lah. heh. but at least we bought things lah.. sth we havent done for eons. went to koolook in search of my specs.. hehe their promotion still on! budden cldnt find a pair tt i lke.. de one tt i lke is [hopefully] still sitting somewhere in jp's branch.. haix hope i'll find one soon! mine lke on the verge of breaking or sth.. =X

anw, walked up and dwn a few times lah. bought necklaces and earrings from xcessories! hehe vry bohemian lah.. but i still lke! xD and bought my H2O moisturizer.. kekex finally got a proper one. also wanted to buy new year slippers and handbag de.. budden dnt see nice one *sobs* mom managed to buy a pair of shoes though.. den after tt we ate at fish&co. wooo super long nv dine der le!! =D had sucha heavy and sumptous lunch todae.. heh felt lke its gonna be the last big meal im having cos gonna be so busy from tmr onwards.. =X well in any case, think my dinner also shun bian gao tim le cos im still damn full.. yep den mom went to work, and dropped me off on the wae.

all in all it was quite a fruitful dae for me lah. wanted to go jp see specs while i still haf time one.. budden cldnt find ppl to pei me der =X nvm. shall stone thru the rest of todae.... oh. and still haf to pack bag for tmr. =| hAaiiXx.. the one real thing im looking forward to is just orientation. and tts abt all. and yeah, my hw's damn screwed too. im sooo prepared to fail my 1st tests.. and i just received note tt band tmr's from 4.30-8pm. =| hAllElujAh~ gonna haf a superbly loooong dae tmr. guess i'll better be off slping now....

Sunday, January 01, 2006 ♥ 7:56 PM

hehe im blogging again. hmm just realised tt its rEalLy year 2006!! cant believe i'll be taking my As in abt 11mths' time.. the thought is scary enuff on its own... haix time's in 2006 le but i still feel as though im stuck in dec`05. i dun wan hols to end! oh no sch reopening... haix another dreadful event. hopefully the trs wont collect a lot of hw lah.. hehehe =P

hmm just rmbrd sth tt yihui said to me. haha her younger bro vry cute!! she tell him "eh, sch reopening in 2 daes" den he sae "u dun bluff lah! still got one more week loh" hahaha funny. still sound so confident somemore [cos yihui alwaes bluff him]. and it was only after showing him the calendar tt he was convinced tt his sis's telling the truth... lol. yihui's so lucky to haf sucha ever-cute bro.

hmm ok. todae kinda stoned whole dae lah. monster stayed over at my place ytd after countdown cos she dun dare go home alone and my hse's empty cos my mom go fren's hse countdown and stayover. wahas my mother vry "on". slpt vry late last nite... arnd 4am. haha wl dnt reli slp. played my gameboy until duno wad time.. den this morning woke up liao go eat roti prata. wooo our 1st meal of 2006!! haha ok =X den she left and i stoned at home all de wae after tt. alrite i noe i shld've studied and all tt lah.. hehe but reli no mood. rather sit and stone.. =X *bad xinyi* but i noe i'll wake up as soon as i realise i failed my 1st test for every subj. yeah tt'll be my wake up call, and then i'll regret not studying in the hols and start mugging for my As. wooo nice plan =P ha crAp.

2:09 AM

ok firstly....

happy new year to all people out there!!!! =D hees went to esplanade der to watch fireworks just now.. super nice!!! =D makes me reminisce so much abt disney's fireworks.. =P hmm spent quite a long time outside todae.. morning had clan meeting in sch and discussed all the stuff. wooo took a damn long time.. but laughed a lot in the process! lol totally luuuuuurrrrrve walla to bits mann! =D so glad i haf such "on" and enthu clan mates.. !! =D

had clan lunch after tt at lot1 kfc.. not all went though. hmm me and ade dnt eat cos our very-full breakfast lke still in our stomachs and we're meeting our frens for dinner soon. left arnd 3.30... whoa chiong-ed home lke mad cos supposed to meet yihui at 4.45 at clementi. heh i managed to reach at 5 lah.. anw, rained super duper heavily on the wae home.. made us change our plans abt having steamboat together. *sobs* went to suntec after tt to haf dinner and proceeded to esplanade's area for our countdown to year 2006 and also to our dear yihui's birthday. hehe our 89-girl finally 17 le!!! =D kekes hope she lke the presents we got for her =)

alrite kinda tired and hungry.. shall stop here for todae. hope everyone has a great year ahead!! =D