Wednesday, October 31, 2007 ♥ 9:38 PM that was it. the last psy tut and the last econs lect, and upcoming "last"s for hw101, ch4213 and hp102.. SEM 1 IS OVER JUST LIKE THAT. *snaps fingers* so freaking freaking fast can!!! x(( final exams coming in exactly 2weeks from now.. its lke, i haven started my rev!! kskldfj;asjfa;snj sfalsdfaf so shitty. its just so horribly scary to "sudd know" tt we're 2weeks away from exams. arhhhh i reli hope i'll be able to survive this strenuous period.. im feeling the breaking pt again =( Sunday, October 28, 2007 ♥ 10:59 PM yayyyy another whole day gone and nth done abt my studies. so i've slacked off for 3 consecutive days. hmm. hope tt hasnt broken my momentum =x ok i promise i'll go finish up my.... erms wad shld i do. ok maybe my econs? =] anyhoo, met up with felicia at 245pm and went to buy my mac lunch and go lib print notes.. drag drag drag in de end late 30mins. lol but aiyah it just means we didnt join in de stoning for 30mins so, its reli ok =] yeah i've said it. gotta stone at backstage for ten thousand years before de concert starts. BUT today i was smart enuff to bring some hw along but i wasnt smart enuff to do all of de qns =( bahhhhhh i reli wonder how i'll die during exam. anw, went to walk arnd with felicia to refill water and buy snacks.. haa we killed 15mins. better den nth. went back to backstage den felicia went outside to get wireless connection for her laptop (imagine how thick de walls are -.-) and i cont stoning.. was playing jap graf halfway den de pianist of de nite came into de room and sat in de empty chair beside me. :| ok de pressure was kinda immense so i stopped playing. (its imaginable rite? lke someone u duno but u noe is quite zai in music sudd sit beside u, will dare to cont playing meh??) lol. chat-ed a bit abt music stuff and wow he's been playing piano for EIGHTEEN years. :|:|:| tts lke as old as me can. lol must be super zai.. well anw he has vry nice eyes. they're dark green if i didnt rmbr wrongly. *eyebrow smiley* hahahaa okokok wads up with me and pianists (as asked by peiwen.) lol. performance was finally over and de finale song was vry stupid yet a funny event cos chee weng (my only psy senior in band. who's vry psycho and who's someone everyone in my section's trying to prevent me from turning into. hahahaa) and his gang was lke singing another made-up song while everyone else's "singing" de "welcome back" (hur hur) song. and whn de song's done confetti exploded (yes EXPLODED. scared de hell out of all de stage ppl -.-) into de air and tt totally turned him even more "psychotic". lols. band ppl are reli kinda crazy. =P had this vry nice buffet dinner after concert. yum yum. and i finally got to interact with some "new" seniors in band. FINALLY stepping out into other sections besides my own =D everything ended arnd 9+ and reached home at 1030. x_x tired tired. didnt reli exert a lot of energy lah but, its just been a vry long day. ok end of entry. shld i reli go study?? x(( i dowan i dowan i dowan!!!! argh. shld i, or shld i not??? Saturday, October 27, 2007 ♥ 10:02 PM finally, a break from cca! my wednesdays are shorter but its lke no diff cos im still dead tired whn i reach home -.- went to nus to study with pw.. aiyah wanted to go central library top level but didnt cos nid to tap matric card =( haix der goes my eye candies.. lol. studied at arts canteen and finshed my psy research AT LAST. took me lke one whole day to edit it. -____- and it totally fused my brain so much tt i cldnt take in anymore psy and went home early. BUT BUT. de way out of nus was a vry happy trip for me. LOL. at least i saw one cute guy in nus (de last time i was at yusof ishak hse, it was VERY which was a very nice end to my day-in-nus. =] ok enuff of fa hua chi-ing. ytd was a vry tired day. woke up having a flu (i always get a flu whn its going to rain. hmms) and didnt eat breakfast so asked jx to bring biscuits for me. den i realised der's de sandwich machine near lkc. so i bought a sandwich. plus jx's 3 packets of biscuits.... =/ i had a vry full breakfast and had 2 packets leftover so erm, just kept them. anyhoo, hp102 was as ... as ever cos cant understand anything. so i doodled a bit more and here's de biggest doodle of de day ![]() *if u cant see, its "planet x" tt depicted how much of an alien de lecturer seems to us. heh ok lame. didnt go for ch4213 lect.. was vry sian-ed cos of my nose (it ran all de way til noon!! x( ) and i prob wont absorb anything.. read thru de notes while i was contemplating and hey, i cld understand a bit. so i didnt "see de need" to go lect. and pw also suggested tt i dun go. and i wanted to go home and slp my flu away... so i went home =] and met gladys at on de bridge! =D yays. so gd. going home to slp (no i didnt feel guilty abt not going lect) and i haf someone to accompany me on de way home! =] yups so all was well until de bus tt we boarded BROKE DOWN. -___________________________- and in de middle of a steep slope!! x( which meant we gotta climb back up to de bus stop............ lke WTH???? its supahot at 3pm and im sick and gladys' holding a lot of things and de bus broke down! >=( so unlucky. well anw got home in de end and took med and slpt. den went for dinner and jamming. heh was still kinda gong from de drowsy med and still tired whn i woke up. was walking lke a zombie all de way from home -.- ok so i think i looked kinda sian during dinner =x so sorry!! =( mood lifted during jamming. good good. haha ytd's jamming was ok.. a lot of ppl outside though! heard got some audition thingy.. *shrugs* anw, did a funny-half-version of butterfly and HAHA the reason by hoobastank. IT WAS DAMN FUNNY CAN. lol. think it was tt song tt lifted my mood de most. cos it was reli damn funny. yah its reli "the reason" huh.. lol ok lame. and we had 3 vocalists ytd. *eyebrow smiley* me, yirun and tim. lol. but eh, one of de mgr harmonising was reli SWEE u noe~~ hahha i lke =D had music theory at raffles mac and it ended kinda late. thought we'll be in time for de last train but NO. zz. apparently der's no more last fri of de mth. sad =( so since its late and midnight charge has alr started.. we decided to hang out a while longer. lol. went to actors' pub and de music der is still as pleasant as ever. haha de mood was lke damn right for marunouchi jazz version can!!!!! was SO tempted to play tt =P got home arnd 2.30am and woke up at 1030 for band rehearsal. x_x so shagged. left e hse in a rush so din bring any notes or wadever.. garr how i noe nid to stone so damn long!! so kns. de only thing i had was de weekendtoday tt i collected in de morning. which didnt last me vry long -.- bah reli sian until cannot. and all these just to rehearse ONE SONG. grrr. im so gonna bring ALL my notes tmr >=( and i finally tabbed finish de marunouchi pianica part. cant wait to master it and play it nicely!! wahahahaha. i'll be waiting to jam the full song mann *eyebrow smiley* =D Wednesday, October 24, 2007 ♥ 11:03 PM very disoriented xS and cranky. econs quiz today was... so-so. those pesky examiners luurrrvvee coming up with tricky questions huh.. wad with "markets are always a gd way to organise economic activity. markets are often... markets are seldom.. markets are nv.." -.- always give us this kinda differ-by-a-thin-line qns which are often gruelling to the mind. wells anw got a few tyco-correct qns. haaa yes continue tyco-ing and de cat's in de bag mann *eyebrow smiley* asked de prof some qns abt our hp102 proj and ohgreat its just wonderful tt we'll only finish learning the research method 2weeks later. AKA LAST WEEK OF SCH AND PROB 1 WEEK BEFORE PROJ DEADLINE. >=( this is so jian can. alright so our "finish de proj asap and get it outta de way so we can revise for exam" plan can be auto-abolished cos we cant even do de 1st step now. !@#$^% bibibabiboo. got back hp102 test results (at long last after a whole month of marking) and.. it wasnt amazing but, its sufficient seeing as im quite a goner at hp102. hmm no tts a little ironic. if im a goner, den i gotta do VERY WELL for this test to pull up de scores rite??? =| argh wadeverrrrrr. random stuffs. -im very sick of my no-life life. alternating btwn ntu and home ONLY is definitely a big big BLAH. -im starting to develop rather strong calf muscles as compared to the flabby ones i had in de past few years. must be all tt daily hill-climbing.. -after going thru de 3rd spss tut today i haf confirmed internally tt im dead for de 2nd half of hp102. boohoo =(( -i sudd feel lke jamming today. -i sudd feel lke learning the digimon song drums part although i noe it'll take me 3 centuries. but i cant chiong now. stupid exams. blardy hell. -im reli cranky today. speaking a whole load of rubbish and reverting to my lame self. its been a million years since i lamed with peiwen. must be all de repression. well its nice to be spouting rubbish once in a while =] i hope i can cont tt. it kinda keeps me healthy and sane =S -arh shit. haven been practising my flute for.. quite long. ahhhhhhhhh -and i haven listen to fir's new album!!! OMG HOW CAN I DO TT. -i jogged again ytd after one mth's break. haa. my stamina went down again. > < -i heard from jocelyn tt ntusb might be going for world music contest in NETHERLANDS in 2009!!!!!!!!!!! OMG. (omg cos its so exciting and omg cos im gonna be bankrupt) ok enuff of randoming (and rubbishing). i better start editing my mini research. heh. -.- ♥ 12:00 AM tmr's quiz is sucha goner. its ok. i can still hope for the econs god to bless me for just 40mins tmr =)) yeah fat hope. im getting vry addicted to marunouchi sadistic. both the shiina ringo version and the tj version. they are both vry nice in their own ways =] but recently i've been feeling a little depressed. hais. can oni hope tt things will get better huh? *feeble smile* had de best ch4213 lect this mon. lol. in fact, it was lke no lect at all cos de prof just recapped some impt stuff in de prev lect and haflway thru explaining clinical trials, he asked "why are u all copying this down? i dun understand. why u all lke to copy notes ar?" LOL. he's quite a humourous chap. den he started this inspiring (no im not being sarcastic. der reli ARE inspiring stuff within it) talk abt his uni days and how he nv used to copy notes and was just an avrg student and stuff.. made gd frens with all the girls (he emphasised on the girls) sitting in front; all those who wore thick glasses and always copied furiously whatever the lecturer said, even the lecturer say he's going to the toilet they also copy down. haha ok tts obvly exaggerating. yah den just before exams he'll just go up to de girls and ask if he can borrow their notes to photocopy. "they sure will lend me one cos they know im de worst student in class and im of no threat to them. so its definitely no problem." haha de way he say things is quite funny. tt wasnt de inspirational part though. he mentioned sth lke not wanting us to just swallow facts and regurgitate everything out during exams and forget them after tt. if u memorise, u will nv remember. it is only when u apply tt u'll rmbr it for life. (reminded me horribly of ahpiang saying we squeeze lemon on fried fish is not for fun. it is to remove the fishy smell of amines -.- gosh i'll DEFINITELY rmbr tt for life. esp everytime i eat fish&chips.) "i understand tt not all of u will rmbr all these after u finish this course. maybe just 2 out of 100. ok i think im a bit optimistic *lol* but if u apply them, u will at least rmbr some of it. so whenever u see a drug next time, ... well at least u'll be able to talk intelligently rite?" lol. i enjoy his lectures a lot. even though i dun catch a lot of the content but, de way he lectures reli makes everything much better and more fun =] anw.. will be chionging my proj and exam rev the next 2 weeks so might not haf jamming. =( music theory will hafta go on though.. hais. sudd lke got quite a number of problems now.. bad bad. diff to describe lah... hais. hope for de best hope for de best. esp for my quiz tmr. one question = 1%. kns. Saturday, October 20, 2007 ♥ 1:04 AM its the weekend again!!! time passes freakingly fast and im one month away from exams again. =S nono lets be more optimistic. im one and a half months away from holidays. =D YES I CANT WAIT FOR THAT ONE MONTH BREAK. for now, im feeling absolutely hopeless (i really mean 100%) for ch4213 cos im reli catching NOTHING. haix. its ok its ok. i know what NOT to do next time when i choose my modules.. *EMO-ticon* and its 85% hopeless for hp102 cos i (and i think many others) do not understand the content my dear lecturer speaks every week, going on and on for 2hrs while we =| at her and occasionally =/ at each other. haix. and to top it all off, de textbook is not helping cos its still as WORDY as ever and i haf a sneaking feeling the author of this 2nd tb is just as lor sor as the previous'. HAIX.. DIM GAI?????? its ok. i gotta stay hopeful (smile! u'll feel better!) and see de tiny beam of light shining at hp101 and hw101. econs... erm. 50-50 lah. heh. i shall hope the best =)) tts sch for now. as usual i was super looking forward to jamming from 3.30pm sharp cos i cant wait for the idununderstandanything ch4213 lect to end. went to collect hw101 asg2 after tt and thankfully, i did ok ^^ i reli hope i'll do as well for asg3 cos tt one.. kinda hopeless too =( for those ppl whom i've showed the qn to.. u all noe why lah huh. lol. alright so "hopeless" is the word of the day. the band of angmohs in de room next to us played music tt was reli enjoyable to me. not in the kind as in techniques very "whoa~" one (i cant reli tell anw) but, its just pleasant to the ears and its NICE. yeah i lke de band. de drummer looks quite cool too. HHAHA =P went ps for dinner and music theory.. saw wan ting with her bf! hahaah so qiao. den after tt saw yougen walk past de restaurant.. anw didnt reli do a lot of theory today. we were just "singing" marunouchi sadistic and de digimon song. HAHA ehh dun laugh ogay. DE SONG IS NICE CAN. lols. and during dinner jarvis was on de phone with 2 colleagues.. oooo he sounds reli professional. speaking quite a lot of jargon tt we dun understand. haha anw hope things are ok now and he's not pissed anymore. and hopefully the engineer in mississippi didnt drown during high tide. *haha* =P ok this entry is kinda boring. i nid to slp. tmr got band in de morning =( *no dun be mistakened. i love band. just tt i dun lke to wake up early =(* OH. and der's econs make-up lect in de noon. arghhh jdg. >=( Tuesday, October 16, 2007 ♥ 11:34 AM i finally decided to open my new speakers today. after a hundred excuses of "no i shld use de time to study. this can wait" i realised tt, i'll reli nv finish studying and by de time i did de speakers wld probably have yellowed (they're white) or sth. =S anyhoo, its always fun to open "presents"! =D hahaha yah i noe peiwen just experienced this a few days ago by opening the lid of her macbook and wow-ing at de acheli-nth-much computer screen tt says "loading". haha new things are just so intriguing =] read thru de installation steps and it wasnt cheem, at least. but haven install cos... i cant find a plug near enuff to connect the woofer to my laptop!! !@#$^&%# so much for deciding to open it this morning... garrrr. so now its back to square one. just tt de speakers are now out of de box rather than in. -.- hais... oh did i mention i think my mom has a lot more life den me? im jealous >=( *hahah kidding* i witnessed her going out on fri nite to haf dinner with her frens, sat didnt come home cos she was playing mahjong at her fren's place, only came back in de morning, sunday late noon she went over to play mahjong again *impulsive mom. tsk tsk. haha* but came back earlier arnd 11pm, and ytd nite she came home a little late again cos she went to kbox with her colleagues. =| my mother very "hip" hor? lol. yes and wad have i been doing??? fri nite: study loh.. sat nite: phone (tt is seriously de only thing tts classified under "entertainment" -.-) sun nite: cannot lah haven study finish.. mon nite: went out to study again. zzzz i reli lead sucha wonderful life of an adolescent huh. bahhh. I NEED TO SHOP AND GO KBOX!!!! x((( ♥ 2:03 AM feeling a little stressed recently. haa amazingly its only recently. think getting used to uni le lah.. now stressed is cos im sorta lagging behind a bit so i reli wanna catch back up and stuff. cos every week passes by SOO quickly de next week's here before u even know it =S bahhh bad bad. had 2 vry long days in a row and once again i was very x_x during lect. haa im reli not de kind who can tahan slp deprivation for long periods. anyhoo, was experiencing multiple shots of microsleeps during ch4213 lect this morning. so much so tt i dun even rmbr much of my presence in de lt and listening to de prof. -.- in fact this morning i was contemplating reli hard on whether i shld even go sch today cos im RELI TIRED but, tt yr4 module is reli vry jialat alr so i reckoned i shldnt miss ANY lects at all. =( so i went. had a vry quick lunch after psy lect and returned home immediately to slp. woke up at 6pm and went to mac meet peiwen to study.. hehhhh didnt reli do much but at least i finished revising one econs lect =] yeappie gd. went home aftr tt supposed to do econs tut but was on de phone with yirun and tim instead so didnt do. haaaa great now i haf one more thing on the waiting list -.- aiyah but hw is nv ending one lah so its alright.... =P ok excuses again. anws... jammed tokyo jihen ytd with another band. was standing in for the vox.. i thought i sounded quite diff cos de mike made my voice sound kinda computer-ish but anw, didnt wanna fuss over stuff so much so i just, anything lah. haha. it was quite nice jamming with them but also a little weird cos im not close with any of them. =S i still prefer skyler. HAHAAHAA *eyebrow smiley; fast and furious!* just got de recordings from james and indeed, i sounded diff but de music's quite nice =) yay i finally jammed tj! haha der was one pt where they sudd "eh. glamourous sky lah! since she's here.." tt totally O_O me cos lke kinda long nv jam tt and er... duno lah just feel a bit paiseh =x but anw, tried tt and tooku made too.. den after tt pw came to lcube den we went town for dinner and to buy protector for her NEW MACBOOK. *hahaha* im SO envious of her brand-new-glossy-white-color-with-an-apple-on-the-cover laptop; slim-but-abit-heavy-but-anw-still-damn-damn-DAMN-nice. ITS SO PRETTY!!! but seriously all de "accessories" and stuff are vry jiak lui. i guess this is sth called branding.. lol. ok im getting v econs now. had dinner at "bbq chicken" at cine and its so damn sinful. fried, oily, crispy, bbq-ed, potato wedges, rice, rootbeer. NTH is in de name of health unless u count the pathetic few pieces of leaves they placed in one corner. =| anw its quite nice. lol went home after tt and... yah. ok this entry is so not chronological but wadever lah its 2am and im kinda seh alr. not going sch tmr and i reli hope i'll be able to finish my econs tut and read up some hp102 stuff becos ive been saying tt since my term break and up til now de textbook's still shelved at one side and collecting dust =| alright. i shall be hardworking =) Saturday, October 13, 2007 ♥ 1:01 AM
de funniest result i ever got. lol. dory. so blue. ok. =x AND ITS THE WEEKEND AGAIN!! omg can u dun so fast anot?? stop pulling me nearer to deadlines leh... bahhh my econs test is SO dead. i haf no idea how to do asg3. hohohoooooooo. someone give me time =( Thursday, October 11, 2007 ♥ 11:17 PM met jingxiu in sch today to study econs! haaa but oni managed to finish up til 1.5 lectures =x oh nos. jiayou jiayou. lol. anw.. saw this guy sitting 2 tables in front of me.. he looks lke a fren. den i realised my fren's in army so cant be. on a closer look.. he looks damn a lot lke jingxiu. is reli A LOT. same nose, same jaw.. same face structure. same everything! lol den i asked jx if tts her brother. she turned arnd and "!! YES. omg u're de 1st person to recgonise he's my bro just LIKE THAT. u nv see him before rite???" lol yah i nv see before. their resemblance is just SO uncanny!! hahahaha interesting. i tot simin and her sis is de most look-alike liao.. now got another pair! bro and sis somemore. hahahaha ok tt kept me quite entertained in de lib. wanted to buy psy tshirt but go der de person gone liao. think maybe little ppl den pack up early and left =x ok so i didnt get de shirt but i saved 10bucks =] wanted to meet the very-noble-donated-bld-and-waited-1hr+++ gina but she wasnt done yet and seeing tt der wasnt much time left, i went off to bugis 1st.. haaa vry "nice" adventure. THAT CHANNIE tell me pushcart got big patrick. go der, its lke PALM SIZE. ......... its SO pathetically small can. lols. called quite a number of ppl for help. gina, mich, woeilin, simin.. garrr phone bill bomb in one day =X went to seiyu toys dpt, dun haf. took train to town to search. taka talking hall, dun haf. toys dpt, dun haf -but its full of my fav eeyore!!!!!!!!!!! =x ok. by den, i was kinda panicky cos i cant think of anywhere else selling lotsa soft toys and esp retarded characters lke patrick. *LOL* got a reliable source from monster saying tt cine near neoprint shop haf.. so went der. haaa was praying all de while tt i'll find de stupid patrick soon cos going to meet pw soon! lols. went to cine and just whn i was "losing all hope", i saw de shop!!!!! but the patrick wasnt magnificently big. in fact, it was kinda small for a "big" patrick. bahhhh. and its 49.90 for a to-me-kinda-small soft toy!!! !@#%&%# called gina and mich to ask if they wanna get this but they both didnt pick up. (lucky they didnt) so i decided to move on to look arnd again before going back to de shop. walked to more than words... den i saw this huge HERD of patricks on de shelf. omg do u haf any idea how EUPHORIC i was to see patrick??????? den i was lke, omg omg is der lke de huge huge one??? i looked up to de topmost shelf and saw big taz, big tweety, big sylvester, big doraemon, big everything.. no big pinkish thing.. DEN I SAW A PINK....................... panther. -.- so disappointing!!!! ...but i looked again and saw tt beside pink panther was P A T R I CK !!!! haHAAAAAA YES I FINALLY FOUND PATRICK!!! i almost jumped in joy lah. hahaaha but i remained composed and asked the person to get tt for me while i picked the card and everything. wooohooo but its lke, i FINALLY found patrick!! after pushcart and seiyu and talking hall and level 4 and urbanconcept... I FOUND PATRICK. wahahahahah its lke embarking on some treasure hunt with a time limit and finding de treasure WITHIN the time limit *a million eyebrow smileys* ok so i was happy. but tt was before i realised i haf to kang de BIG PINK STARFISH all de way from cine to orchard control -_____________________- NVM. FOR DE SAKE OF MY BEST FREN I'LL DO IT. peiwen are u reading this. u better treat me well and stop walnutting and benning me. LOLLLLLLLL. hope peiwen lked de surprise we gave her!!! =D hahaha. didnt tell her gina and mich coming too.. made up a thousand and one excuses to make her come town today. including stupid things lke, pei me buy organizer, buy file, walk walk, eat dinner, aiyah cant meet early cos i got tuition.. ALL DE RUBBISH. none of it is real. lol. made up so mani things tt i cant even rmbr wad was de last one i told her so whn she asked where we're going again i just, oh bu neng shuo de mi mi. HAAA tt settles it. anw, had dinner at BigO! hehhhhhhs big price small portion. and they dun allow us to use de cake we bought for peiwen >=( so evil. BIRTHDAY LEH. lol. so we bought a mudpie instead and ta-daaa!! happy birthday! lols went to far east and bought a pair of slippers on impulse.. hehhh long time nv impulse shopping. not vry ex lah so its still ok. im still "moral". =P shared cab home with them after tt... and tt ended de day. heee peiwen hope u lke de surprise today!!! HAF A GREAT BIRTHDAY OKAYS! =D HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY PEIWEN!!! Tuesday, October 09, 2007 ♥ 6:34 PM was reading today's "today" (-.-) just now and came across a nice piece from "focus on the family" yet again. i love this column. its lke, so nice. hahah ok. anw de small clip today was regarding the mistaken identity of a student. i'll just give a summary.. "at times, behaviour is directly shaped by the opinions of others. der was a teacher whose class had 2 boys both named johnny. one was an excellent student while de other was a goofer and always making a nuisance of himself. during de 1st parent-tr meet up, a mother approached de tr and asked "how is my son, johnny, getting along?" de tr assumed tt she was de parent of de "good" johnny and replied tt he enjoyed having him in his class and was glad to haf him. de next day, de problem child went up to de tr and said "my mom told me wad u said abt me last nite. i haf nv had a tr who wanted me in his class." tt day, johhny completed his classwork. de next day, he rmbred his homework. a few weeks later, he became one of the most hardworking students and one of de tr's best frens. the misbehaving child's life was turned arnd all becos he was mistakenly identified as a gd student. if only all trs cld make this same mistake." ok tt wasnt a vry short summary. in fact it was almost de whole piece. HA sorrie. anw, i think de clip was reli nice! speaking abt how trs can reli affect students' life huh... ok. is this lke a bit out of de blue? haha just felt lke sharing it =P anw.... just done with asg2 ytd and asg3's up alr!! arhhh holy cow. and de qn is just absolutely ???!?!!!??! -________- looking at it reli makes me thankful for all the godsend questions for prev asgs. bahhhhhh i think i'll just push it off again til its closer to de deadline =x and very strategically, the asg deadline clashes with my econs quiz and psy mini research and prob a few others which will be popping up soon. =| *slaps forehead* shen ar. jiu jiu wo bahhhhhh~~ Sunday, October 07, 2007 ♥ 3:19 PM ![]() i won this!! O.O i placed it on the table after i got off the stage and i just cldnt believe its mine. omg its so shocking. hahaha. alright so i wasnt lucky enuff to get hold of the casio keyboard but still, this seems nice. even though i think i duno how to use it =x alright so today's quite a lucky day. hey luck, spread on to everyone else arnd me ok!!! lols. ok im going to slp. Saturday, October 06, 2007 ♥ 10:12 PM AHHHHH JAMMING TODAY IS LKE THE FUN-NEST!!!!! lols. im still a bit high now. voice wasnt on de best form today but i enjoyed the entire session nevertheless =D 1stly, think our tooku made improved a bit! and my dear peiwen came down to see us! yayyy thank u so damn much for making the session happier =D ok maybe for me oni lah. HAHA. but she wasnt de only one der. duno why but today lke sudd so mani ppl come. lols. got phoebe, pw, channie, a bit of james, bit of frankie, bit of tim's other band... haa anw so sorry u all cldnt enjoy our "best form" today! =( nvm. we'll do better next time! lol. tried password today but wasnt vry gd cos we're all not familiar with it and my voice was 80% dead by then. lol. we'll do BETTER in future *eyebrow smiley* played thru sounan.. wooo yirun managed to learn de front part. ehh pls cont to progress hor. =P and after tt whn tim's band came in we jammed sounan again!!! hahaa cos der's a keyboardist now.. more fun!! and james played the drums for us. woooooo~~ de whole song was just so super enjoyable!! it was de best sounan i've jammed =D ok lah i oni jammed it 3 times including today =x and my voice was 90% dead too so it wasnt vry gd but anw... I LIKE IT GENERALLY. lol xD yup yup im still vry happy abt enjoyable sounan. haha now i cant wait to jam it EVERY session =P anw, frankie and channie cont to kajiao me as usual. and pw happily joined in the fun at times -.- haaaa im getting immune alr. lols. went for dinner with pw chan and yirun at maxwell.. haa we walked lke one whole round before we decided on wad to order. reli duno wad to eat siaaaa =x de route home with pw and chan was SUPER FUNNY. hahaahahah im so sorry pw i keep joining in the "owning" =PpP it was quite enjoyable too. HAHAAHAHA *mimicks horse neighing* LOLLLLLLLLLL i will definitely rmbr today a lot =D yeappie!! special note: yirun and tim u all dun depress ok!!! today maybe just suay day for us so we're not doing our best. JUST CONT TO WORK HARD. we'll sound better next session =D cmon my maria sucks big time too but heck lah just gotta cont trying eh? dun depress/sad/emo k!! cheers cheers. today's bad session was just a RANDOM ERROR (im applying my psy research methods okay. =P) so no worries! we'll definitely do better. de strings will get seasoned soon, ur days will be happier and better, and u'll master sounan one day. JIAYOU OK!! dun be sad =)) Friday, October 05, 2007 ♥ 11:22 PM HP102 TEST TODAY!!! omgomg the dreaded dreaded (why am i repeating my words) test is FINALLY here. hehh it was reli terrible compared to hp101 =( not prepared cos didnt follow thru cos i oni bought de tb AFTER she finished de 1st half sem lectures! bahhhhh bad bad. so this is wad happens whn u dun read up. haha wells anw... TODAY IS DAMN SUAY CAN. 1stly i woke up feeling lke i didnt slp a wink de prev nite. woke up damn early cos meeting karen earlier to print notes before 930 test. THANK GOD WE MET EARLIER. guess wad. i think i reli nv slp enuff. went to boon lay int and walked to de last berth as usual.. and assumed tt de longest queue is de queue for 179. so i queued der and karen joined me, and we boarded de bus. den after de bus moved out of de int i started to wonder why de bus turned left instead of right. and den i realised de ppl on de bus are all de lao uncles and lao aunties -ok tts an overstatement. i meant, MIDDLE-AGED ppl. who are obvly not ntu-ish. so i sorta panicked a bit and turned arnd to ask karen if we're on de rite bus but saw tt she was happily oblivious to her surroundings and was even enjoying the wind blowing in from de window. .. she was so oblivious tt i gotta wave in front of her face to get her attention. den i told her my "suspicions" (so detective-y) and she's lke, "huh canot be lah! how can we be on de wrong bus!" and continued enjoying the wind. -________________________- karennnnnnnn "karen i reli think we're on de wrong bus! it turned de wrong direction and its driving us to this ULU place!" "huh reli ar?" and finally she stopped enjoying de wind and o_o so we got off de next stop. which is not exactly near de int considering it was de 1st stop. AND its seriously ulu. according to ms still-can-rmbr-social-studies-stuff, it was a light industrial area. -.- well anw, we cabbed to sch and wasted 8bucks. -.-" all thanks to me for assuming tt queue was for 179. im so sorry karen!! lol. alright so indeed assume makes an ass of u and me so fellow ntu students, pls dun assume de queue's for 179 so much anymore. =P bahhhhh but how can we get on de wrong bus?? its lke SO ridiculous. its only boon lay. we've been taking tt for half a sem. AND ntu ppl all arnd us must be wondering why these 2 girls are following de uncles and aunties onto another bus. garrrrrr diu lian si... anw got to sch at 9am. we're reli lucky we met so much earlier. lol. went to print de notes and at de comp, karen's cashcard got stuck in de reader and de comp sorta hanged! so we jammed up de queue (wads with queues today ar??) behind us and gotta ma fan de asst to solve de prob =x okayy but everything was fine in de end and we managed to get our notes and most imptly get to lect on time. =)) test was "funny". 2 kinds of papers were distributed. one blue, one white. bahhhh random asg siaaaaa. lol. and it was kinda bad (as expected). today was kinda draggy too. and whn sch finally ended... i went to cut and dye my hair!!! hhhahaha so exciting =P but i look lke a small girl now =x bahhh duno lah. u all see for urslves ok. hahaa PEIWEN JUST TOLD ME ABT HER ADVENTURE TODAY WHICH IS FREAKING FUNNY!!!! (and malu-ating) hahahaahahahah here's a quick summary. hello kitty alarm clock, didnt noe it was snoozed, went to NTUC, super packed, alarm went off, listening to mp3, oblivious to alarm until a while later, picked the best spot: classy wine section to press alarm off and de button was on hello kitty's butt. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH 2nd joke of de day. thanks for completing the day peiwen. I LOVE U MANN. ok im sorry i shldnt laugh at frens. BUT PEIWEN ITS RELI DAMN FUNNY. lol~~~~~ Wednesday, October 03, 2007 ♥ 10:04 PM feeling cheery! =] (hmm tt word reminds me of neopets' cheery blossom. which spoils super easily and nv fails to upset my neopet when tt happens.=( hmpf. \=x. ok i sidetracked.) this week seems gd so far huh. keywords: so far. i hope this can carry on a bit more so i can at least have a memory of a nice week in sem1. haaa. anw, bumped into ntss frens in jp ytd! a huge huge congrats to yihui for passing her driving test!!! =D lols. and i managed to FINALLY get hold of a laptop cushion bag. heh ok i initially wanted to get a pretty pretty one but in de end i just tot, wadever lah huh. why spend so much energy sourcing for a nice bag and spending big bucks on it? its just a cushion bag. lol yeah so i just got de plain black one (after approaching the 3rd popular store..) 17bucks =] and i did ok for my psy test and hw101 1st asg! hahaha yay! yahoooooo~ cheers~~~!! and today i finally got to noe some of de ppl i nv interacted with before in my psy tut class. new frens. more laughters. goody =] yup im finally starting to see some sunshine in uni life. keep those dark clouds away pls. heh but its still a lil cloudy now. test on fri. bahaaaa. xinyi pls work hard for this too ok? same for everyone =) JIAYOU!! |
colourful xinyi` 201288 sagittarius ntss.sajc.pjc.ntu psy ntmb.sajccb.pjcsb.ntusb music is my life TALK MOVE ntusb anneson annabel cecilia celestine devin ellyne emerald gina izumiko jacqueline jarvis jeeyon jun lijein marie michelle.bei michelle.chiang peiwen shining simin tim woeilin yihui yiting REWIND December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 August 2011 January 2013 TAKE A BOW basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: photobucket photobucket designer: dreyfire inspiration: living a COLOURFUL life/♥s} |