Saturday, August 30, 2008 ♥ 12:51 PM my mom threw my sunflower away!!!!!!!!! :'((((( along with all the other flowers as well :(( whyyyyyyyyyyyy.... well, she said they're dying (but haven die mah right!!!) and attracting those tiny little flies.. damn why must the flies come >=( but ohwells. there goes my beloved sunflower :( but on a happier note, - like wow its reli true tt when sth gd goes away, sth better comes along; although in my case both are just as gd :] - i received a teachers' day present from my student!!!! was so surprised when he came up to me and said "老师, happy teachers' day!! :D" and handed me a nicely wrapped present. lol its been like super long since i received presents lah!! the "latest" one was last dec during my bday.. which is like SO LONG AGO. so yeaps, was super :)))) when i received it!! sudd i feel lke all the efforts put in were worth it~~ hahah woots! i feel lke getting sth for my profs too LOL :D tt gesture reli made my day :D which had been a quite long one, considering i've been running to and fro a few places.. like going nus to lunch with peiwen cos i miss her too much... HAHA okayyy it was really for the bazaar :P the stuff were like super discounted can!!! 50% off and all tt.. somemore so near my hse. like go pasar malam eat and buy stuff lidat. hahaha :P well, got some cosmetics stuff and finally new flip-flops!!!! it was so irresistably cheap and i needed a new pair so just got them :D yah i noe u can tell im reli happy. effects of retail therapy~~ XD went home to put down e stuff and get my guitar and off to simei for guitar lessons! and back to west coast for tuition.. yahhh so its been quite a lot of travelling here and der. at least tt present made a gd end to the day :)) oh u must be wondering how come it seems lke i dun haf sch. i just nv go lah... oni 1hr tut ytd leh!! plus travelling time all tt.. jus to sit der 1hr!!! so bohua loh >=( its so much more worthwhile to go nus bazaar to get gd and cheap stuff~~ hahahaha ok im ponning lessons quite a lot this wk. shit. this must not continue!!! >=( andddd jamming later. had some talk last night regarding the band so, hopefully we'll see be some positive changes in our music later :) but it sucks tt i developed a sore throat and flu last nite. damn. hope i can still produce some sound later =x im off for nap. ciaos. Friday, August 29, 2008 ♥ 12:52 AM my sunflower is dying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :((((((( its been sucha good flower. it made me happy when skies are grey~~ and now!!!! its like starting to wiltttt :'( but acheli it still looks a happy yellow, just that its bending its head down. i hope it lasts a few more days! sunflowers reli can make ur day happier u noe!!! love em :D we shld all haf a stalk of sunflower at home :D but not too many though. it'll get too sunny :0) HAHA ok super lame. back to studying. Tuesday, August 26, 2008 ♥ 11:32 PM concert's finally over!! :D:D:D its been reli tiring but guess our efforts were worth it. hope the audiences enjoyed the concert too! and thanks to the ppl who came down to support! and all ur lovely flowers~~ arigatou gozaimasu!! :)) the blue roses look so striking against our black outfits. lol nice nice! HAHAH super cute right they all!! lols my dear ntmb mates! :D love this pic with ahbond. got the "effect" thingy lols had dinner with the 3 girls after concert at soup spoon... hurrrrrr pls do not attempt to buy one set meal on ur own if we haf similar stomach capacities becos its A LOT!!! esp for the cream soups. for which me and ahbond both cldnt finish and it ended up becoming a whole new bowl when ahbond decided to da bao it home... lols. it was certainly wise to only order 2 sets for 4 of us. and it still was too much =x ok i shall only eat at soup spoon when im very very hungry :] finally discussed hp204 assignment with karen and siping!!! lke phew it reli feels great to be able to discuss sth as abstract as that stupid assignment lah. i cant believe she's actually making us do it individually.... =( now i truly appreciate group work!! its so much better to haf ppl to discuss ur points with rather then think it out on ur own and being unsure of whether u're even answering to the point and all tt. rahhhhhh. but its finally done.. although the discussion killed alot of our brain cells too. but its STILL a lot better den not discussing. lols. hopefully the next 2 asgs wont be as bad! (although i reli think they will be worse....... but lets be optimistic yah? :)) had flu the whole day again so had a nap in de late noon... woke up arnd evening and found A LOT of food on the table =/ my dad actually bought me 3 desserts on top of that huge box of fried rice. lke OMG how to finish??! and his reason for tt (according to my mom) is tt im vry skinny so i shld be given more food to eat. -___- helloooooo skinny doesnt mean i dont eat ok! somemore its reli a lot... reli cant finish! like who the hell eats 3 desserts at one sitting lah (other den at buffet which is another thing).. but the hk dessert is reli nice :D:D:D lke tau huay lidat! woots! hahaha okok i shld slp early. another long long day tmr!! Friday, August 22, 2008 ♥ 11:34 PM yours truly is in photo-entry-mood now. woots photos!!! 05s06 gathering! me lurrves~~~ some of us! haven get de rest so tts all for now from class gathering.. haircut! *i know its like i didnt cut at all but i kinda requested for tt cos im keeping it long! cut so much for wad >=( haha and besides, its kinda destressing to cut hair :D yah ooooooooooh yes i find it quite destressing. maybe i shld cut hair more often! :D* sisters? (the hairdresser actually asked that HAHA) somehow i think i look a bit different in this photo.... is it the shaggedness? =x but hmm ohwells. hi :) union day!!! *i love ntu! we shld reli haf more union days so we can destress u know :)* ![]() ![]() *as u can tell by now, cam-whoring in the toilet is really inevitable sometimes :P* ![]() psychos at lot 1 pizzahut! XD namely darren, jingxiu, michelle, me! :))) ![]() full and satisfied and veeeeery happy :) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() yes we're permutating around :] haha yup tts all for now! i swear its destressing to look at photos too (although there're many many unglam shots but hell with them. ahaha) meeting ahbond to pass her the concert tix and chatting with her for that few minutes cheered me up a bit too! :D hehh felt like i had quite a long day in sch so was kinda :| before i met her, but was :))) after tt! lols yepp old frens are still the best! nth can beat them :D and my craving for jamming is building up. i nid to sing!!!!!! its like my voice has appeared offline for 2wks lahh. lols. cant wait for next jamming! cant wait for istast kbox!!! woohoo may i haf a great week coming up mann ;) ♥ 9:40 PM watched table tennis singles women just now and WOOTS zhang yining won!!!!! XD haha well was supporting her all de way since tt game started. but quite funny lah finals were lke china against china. haha but nevetherless, it was a great game :) very exciting!! lols and for once im watching olympics at home.... yeah for de past wk i've been just catching bits of it here and der on tv mobile. damn sad can. screen so small somemore and sometimes no sound. !@#$%^& but ohwells its gonna end soon le huh? so sad!!!! :( and i'll be missing the closing ceremony too cos its concert day. sobssssss. next one will be 2012~~ in london, is it? ok nuff of olympics. better get started on my assignment and readings before everything piles up! Thursday, August 21, 2008 ♥ 10:34 PM :((( once sth sucks everything else gotta suck also huh? anw, cant wait for this to be over... i gotta say im really tired this time. which kinda defeats the purpose of everything isnt it? music's supposed to be fun.. but why is it that i do not seem to able to taste the "fun" anymore recently? which also means another thing that can bring cheers to my life has just been eliminated (for now, at least). rahhh its alr sucky enuff. cant get any suckier than this right???? well as matter of fact yes it can but... garr im not exactly articulate enuff to be able to describe everything everytime. i just hope i'll get the smiles back soon :( Tuesday, August 19, 2008 ♥ 12:07 AM maybe its cos its this kinda time now, but im sudd feeling like many things are missing in my life. or rather, im not reli making things happen. i wanna take time out for and spend more time with my dearest frens, but i didnt. i ever thought of leaving sundays entirely free for family time, but in the end i also didnt. a tiny -but nevertherless still- a part of me, feels that i shld reli be more "accepting" and all, but im reli not moving in that direction in de least bit.. maybe i've been focusing too much on making the most of the time for my fav activities (aka music) and omitting too many ppl from that center of focus. maybe i dun haf time for them becos all the time i set aside for, is for the apparent "good" of my music life only and not so much for maintaining the close relationship we forged. is that considered selfishness...? i wanna spend more time with my sec sch frens! (yes this is a vry impt point to me!!) haf been drifting away a lil but im reli hoping i can continue tight meet ups with them.. i think its reli not easy for a grp to maintain gd contact from so many years back and still keep in touch despite us all being at different places. reli reli hoping i'll be able to find time to dinner/lunch with them perhaps, once every fortnight or sth? hahaha keeping my fingers crossed. worse still, im spending the least time with the ppl im biologically closest to. home is reli becoming just sleeping ground... sometimes i reli hate my schedule u know? i reli wanna make sunday family (and rest) day but its lke ARGH where de hell do i fit in the stuff i always haf on sunday den?? not to mention im like reli not communicating with my family now too... its like that scene from i not stupid u noe? dad (just came home): eat alr? kid: yah dad: spelling learn alr? kid: yah dad: homework do finish alr? kid: yah *dad walks off to bathe. end of conv* my situation is either similar to this, or worse off on somedays. this reli sucks. feel so bad towards my family :( my parents didnt bring up their child so painstakingly for this right?? sometimes i find it so hard to tell my mom stuff abt wads happening and all tt, and maybe she feels de same too. no, im sure she feels the same. who so lucky wont haf problems right??? i bet it all boils down to the negligible time we've been spending tgt. but den again, we're both busy ppl. which just doubles the suckiness isnt it? damn. i wanna change my life. Friday, August 15, 2008 ♥ 9:49 PM its been quite a gd day! :)) had abnormal psy tut today.. quite a small class with oni 3 psy majors inside cos its a "ulu" time which few psy ppl chose. well no choice cos i got music mod after tt anw =x well anw, seems lke de ppl in de class are quite nice! haha der're quite a few interesting ppl when we had de intro just now. maybe its not so bad not having familiar psy ppl arnd me after all :) and im reli lovin my music and acoustics course. think its lke REALLY interesting and "in my field" and its great tt the professor rocks :] did i mention de whole course only has abt 8 ppl inside only? haha yeah very small class.. but think small classes are quite the norm for music courses bah. anyhoo, we "dissected" the grand piano today. lols. its my first time looking at the interior of de piano so its reli quite wow. haha dr eugene even took off the lid abv de keys and the.. well literally every piece that covered the piano's top was taken off, so we got to see de wood all de way from de black-white keys to the end of de metal strings. woots so cool!!!!! hahaha ok i noe i sound super swaku :P i admit i am lah ok~~ lols. so glad andrew taught me all that theory back then. at least i dun feel so noobish when ppl talk abt harmonics or chords or intervals and stuff. and at least, i haf sth "better" to say other den "oh there's more than one note" or "it sounds reli nice". yeahhhhh and im definitely learning a lot of physics stuff from my fellow classmates (and de prof of course). phew. its been real long since i dealt with frequencies and soundwaves and vibrations u noe? *oh no sucha long piece alr. can i add on? just bear with me a bit more!* think my prof's music standard is god-like. yah DUH right he's a prof but yah.. think he's REALLY GOOD. he was explaining abt the resonance of the C note on a xylophone and piano key and when he struck tt note, a classmate's hp ringtone rang. and he said "oh tts an A right" and "demo-ed" the ringtone trill on de piano. lke omg i reli wonder if he's an absolute pitch person (which is like they can identify pitches as easily as we identify colors. cool huh? ;)) hahah. and nearer to the end of de class, de classmate's phone alarm went off by accident. so der's this melody.. and de prof went "tts in G minor". O____O kudos kudos and more kudos. lol. at one part he mentioned the note frequencies for C, like middle C is #%@Hz and de octave abv is @&$Hz and de other abv is blah blah blah. den der's this classmate who was able to calculate de frequency of de next octave super quickly (although its only adding). lke, almost immediately after de prof said prev one. =/ den i found out he's an nie teacher (alr graduated) teaching maths.... okayyy no wonder. hahahaha okok tts reli random stuff. yeah. so im lovin my music class a lot. it rocks!!!! XD get to listen to quite a few music samples from diff genres every lesson too, so its quite a gd opportunity to exapand my "exposure level". good cos i suck at identifying genres. lols. YES I TOTALLY LOVE MUSIC!!!!! ok. its an off-day for me today. NO STUDYING TONIGHT. im gonna slack. and chiong again tmr :) Tuesday, August 12, 2008 ♥ 10:32 PM its been a VERY LOOOOOOONGGGG WEEKEND!!!!! 5days. *put in smug face here* yes get jealous ppl~~~~~~~ lols ok im getting crappy again. but i haf gd news! :) that being, i got my 6 90%-desired modules and a quite-gd timetable for this sem! yaays!! :D din manage to get into foundations for musical studies in de end but i got music and acoustics instead. gd too cos i think i'll be SERIOUSLY stressed out in foundations cos its... intimidating =x ok yah i know this is damn (psychology) post-decisional dissonance but ah wadever :P was really depressed when i found it so darn hard to find ppl who're willing to change their forensic for genes (lke who will!! i wont) BUT cuimin came along and told me she's taking genes this sem too!!!! lke YAY!!!! im not taking it alone liao :D:D:D yuppp so i guess im not dropping it anymore. shall just grit my teeth and live with a sem of bio. well, i have to sooner or later anw :) anw, tj jamming was great! XD well, 'cept for a few bits here and der lah but they're kinda inevitable right? :P haha enjoyed shuraba a lot!! jamming tt song is like totally WOOOO! and i love osca too :D told them i cant learn de song in time so "omitted" tt from our list but they sudd played it so i just lala-ed along. lols. and the music's not too bad too! hahaha its a reli super-fun song to jam. cant wait for next time!!!! (which is prob another 2mths later.... lols) speaking of which, xccjjj streetfest videos are finally up on youtube. haha yes after 3mths i know... lols. anw, just type in 'xccjjj' and there you go! :D hope u'll enjoy it! and i accidentally booked 2hrs jamming for skyler on sunday when we oni had 4songs..... =x haaaaaa yes quite a lot of time wastage der but it was still ok lah. had fun "jamming" rose with them using guitar (MUAHAHAHA I CAN PLAY DE INTRO PART!!! rubbishly though =x) love ntu for the national day make-up-hols on mon. muuuuaacks! haha had section lunch at suntec cos amy's leaving for sweden this sem.. SO GOOOD!!! I ALSO WAN GO EXCHANGE!! dun care im gonna apply for year3 sem1 >=( oh and im TOTALLY BROKE. gar. 1st time eat until wallet left 5cents. 5cents!!!!!!! lke wths. not to say im still owing ppl bday present money... and der're more coming up!! arghh can they just STOP having birthdays??? lke for a mth or sth?? pfffft. say NO to birthdays! >=( ok no offense. im just really broke. and angry :( sucks that my schedule's so packed i cant jam this wk and i cant attend cac ball (but im broke so i cant attend anw. its a blardy dunohowmany dollars!!) and i (probably) cant join aemi outing and i cant get my fav stay-home-all-day day!!! >=( so pissed. oh i forgot. super little family time too!!!! its lke im just coming home to slp lah. im neglecting my mom totally :((( AND i heard from her she's being bullied at work. so poor thing!!!!! stupid otheraunties. i hope they dun haf water to drink!!!!! and may their pays get delayed too hmpf. stop bullying my dear mum or I KILL YOU!!! O_O ok very fierce. i need to cool off before slping mann. heeeeee hooooooooooooo. maybe im too sensitive. but was that paragraph directed to me? i think im confused too.. Thursday, August 07, 2008 ♥ 10:57 PM woots i just finished learning gunjou biyori!!!!!! XD feel so accomplished now. its been real long since i had this kinda feeling of completely learning finish one song at one sitting. yes i was literally chionging thru de song cos its so rare that i get to practise properly with no one (aka tenant >=() arnd to interfere with it. heh heh hehhhhh so happy!!!!!! and yeah im totally loving tt song now. cant wait to learn osca!!!! but guess tt'll hafta wait til nxt wk or sth cos this wk reli kinda busy =x and i still haf skyler's milky way..... hoho. jiayou xinyi. anw, tcm lect today was .... and =/ and very chinese...... well yeah i noe de lect's gonna be in chi and all but almost 3years' complete absence of chi teachings has reli "taken its toll on me". looking at the huge number of chi words in de notes was lke -____-"" hopefully hopefully i'll survive this course. its supposed to be easy :) shall keep my fingers crossed~ met anneson in tcm lect and he was saying de audition for musical studies was HARD. omggg tts lke so totally demoralising to hear!!! if he finds its hard, its probably almost impossible for me.... HURRRRRRR saddening :(((( but ohwells shall just take consolation at the fact tt at least i agar-agar noe wads gonna come out so i can revise my grade5 theory tonight and pray hard tt they dun give too high-level theory qns tmr.... rahhhh pls spare me ur luck for just 1hr tmr my dear folks!! x( anddddddddddd met up with david and elson today! wooots so nice to see pj ppl back in de same sch :D it reli makes ntu feel more "homely" ok~~ haha and i found out tt de 2 fellas play in rock band too!!! SO FUN we can jam tgt next time!!! :P and elson told me he plays larc songs..... hahaaha i was vry surprised by tt too! lke wow so qiao. lols eh go learn tj songs den we nth to do go ur hall jam after lessons ok! :D im sure it'll be totally destressing to be jamming right after lessons and in hall somemore~~~ lolllll. crap i feel the urge to jam again. NOW NOW NOW!!!!!!! XD cant wait for sat and sun's sessions. im sure they'll be great!! :D Tuesday, August 05, 2008 ♥ 11:23 PM am at a peak of negative emotions. feeling tired, antisocial, insomnia-tic, and worst of all, BROKE. like hell i REALLY need money now. am currently owing many many ppl money. RAHHH!!!! 一屁股债!! im behind flute fees, i owe ppl money for 5 birthday presents (omg im so sorry!!!) and now my account's so empty i gotta ask karen to help me pay for textbook first =/ this is seriously very bad!!!!!!! sucks that the money plant my mom keeps doesnt live up to its name >=( RAWRRRR 钱钱钱钱不够用!!!! ♥ 1:01 AM camp photos!!!! :D day 0: istas (snow) ![]() ![]() forfeit: 7 wonders of the world ![]() day 1: tour de ntu ![]() ![]() ![]() day 2: amazing race [aka food hunt] ![]() super duper YUM YUM!!!!!! ![]() day 3: beach games ![]() ![]() day 4: SP night ![]() oink! ![]() istas!! ![]() aemi!! ![]() seniors! day 5: finale ![]() ![]() isden! (istas + ayden) ![]() taupok!!! ![]() ben&jerry's. yummy!!! ![]() and the very victimized cross-dressed GLs........ ![]() ![]() aemi!! :D many more coming up in facebook :) Friday, August 01, 2008 ♥ 12:46 AM MOF again today!!!!! if this continues, im really gonna be able to finish all the desserts in MOF's menu. met up with goldie today for dinner! :D its been a million years. hahaha updated each other quite a bit on de ppl arnd us and stuff during dinner. had pepper lunch express!! wooots damn long nv eat beef!!! i haven eat my steak yet :(((( jack's place!!!!!!! yeah and proceeded to MOF for dessert thereafter. garrr im getting used to having dessert after dinner now =/ bad bad BAD!!!!! ppl, pls stop me next time i request for dessert after an alr-and-obvly-very-filling dinner. it'll reli do me (and my skinny skinny wallet) a lot of good. thank you. din go for flute tutorship today.. =x rahhh i noe its been 2wks!!! but fren more impt eh =x although my DEAR FREN was super duper late by ahem 45mins but NVM. today she king. lols. just hope she'll feel better soon!! :)) and im suddenly feeling damn sleepy now. ending here. NITEX! |
colourful xinyi` 201288 sagittarius ntss.sajc.pjc.ntu psy ntmb.sajccb.pjcsb.ntusb music is my life TALK MOVE ntusb anneson annabel cecilia celestine devin ellyne emerald gina izumiko jacqueline jarvis jeeyon jun lijein marie michelle.bei michelle.chiang peiwen shining simin tim woeilin yihui yiting REWIND December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 August 2011 January 2013 TAKE A BOW basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: photobucket photobucket designer: dreyfire inspiration: living a COLOURFUL life/♥s} |