Tuesday, September 30, 2008 ♥ 10:37 PM many many things happened!! haha fri was the concert with string orchestra.. well its finally over. one event down and dunohowmany more to go! haha but at least its over and done with :) and seriously, the experience wld be a lot better had de conductor not be so gay or have the tendency to slow down the tempo on multiple occasions...... =/ but ohwells nvm. not my conductor niahahahah :P weiseng came to pick yanting up so lompang-ed me and felicia to bugis junction. damn funny cos he keeps turning right instead of left (due to reasons ranging from the most logical ones to the totally stupid ones lke.. being confused by us haha :P) but it was becos of tt tt we got to stop at this traffic junction near f1 race track.. and tt was de first time i heard live racecar sounds and i SOOOO super lke it!!! XD its lke zeeeeooooowwwwwwwww zeeeoowwwwwwwwwww and sounds so exciting all of us just wanted to watch the f1 race there and then. it reli sounds super nice!!!! and so i watched it on sunday :D but on channel5 lah sians. hahaha BUT STILL its reli exciting to watch.. feel vry wasted for massa!!! and elated for alonso for jumping from last few to first. haha so fun to see them racing on the track. im gonna watch it live next time it comes to singapore!!!! XD anw, my mom insisted on moving the cupboard in the storeroom out so we can put this dunowad mattress in de storeroom... as a result, we dug out lotsa stuff tt i din noe STILL exist in this world at this time. presenting to youuuuuu.... the great great great grandfather of the ps3 u're playing now~~ haha found some other ancient games but din take pics of those cos they're too damn dusty. lols. seriously din expect these stuff to be on top of tt cupboard all these years... its reli amazing wad u find in ur own home u noe :P and.... hahahaha seriously this pic is lke... i swear!!!!! lol super retro can! haha when i found it and and showed my parents among all the hoo-ha they're in they're lke !!!! too lols. then my dad kept going on and on abt how yandao he looked~~~ -_-" hello lke he just got more hair back den can.. hahahahahah ok im damn mean :P and this is yours truly when she still doesnt know the importance of smiling when photos are taken. lols cldnt help laughing at my own expression when i took the photo out from the bag. its just... omg is tt me??? hahahaha okayyy zi high again :P anyhoo, had our 1st proj meeting for de music module on sunday 10pm (yes wth). was a lil late anw cos i insisted on waiting til the f1 race ended before i leave home. i mean, its lke sucha rare thing u noe!!! and its my first time watching a live racing competition kayy~~ hahah :P but as usual turns out im not the latest cos joshua had to fly down from tampines and rhesa had to fly back from f1 live. lke ARGHHHH why he can watch i cannot watch!!!! i also wan watchhhhh :( to think he was still flashing tt f1 pass thingy when he came. hmpf. IM JEALOUS. lols just kidding. supposed to meet peiwen for breakfast today at 845am but THAT FELLA picked up with a "..harlo..?" when i called her at 9am. -.-" yes so breakfast ended up at 9+++am and we're still able to eat breakfast cos she realised her lesson's at 2pm instead of 10am -__- peiwen u reli rock leh. hahahaha anw, she came over to my place to study after tt (to kill time lah actually) and halfway thru this HUGE bee flew in thru the window and scared the daylights out of us. lol it was reli scary can!! cant imagine wad'll happen if i din escape from the kitchen quick enuff =x learned ash lke snow this noon and yay finally one more thing down. ap's trying out this sat with us.. hopefully it'll be gd!! hahaha it'll be so fun to haf another person to lame with during jamming muahahah :P okays i shall not waste anymore time. time to SLEEP!! Thursday, September 25, 2008 ♥ 12:03 AM sibei stress ar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X( proj proj proj.. asg asg asg... essay essay essay.... readings readings readings!!!! BAHHH whn will they end???? so irritating. the readings are so nv-ending lah... even if i were to use the burn-and-drink method think it'll make up to an amt large enuff to drown me lohhh... sai. haiyah i go be a fish lah! >=( pfffffft. anw, im glad i was a lot more destressed after band today :) section dinner and just being arnd my fav fluties totally cheered me up! reli cannot hang arnd books all day.. will go siao one trust me. haha well guess i just needed to be arnd ppl after burying myself beneath readings the whole day.. :] yay fluties rock. hahaha 2 days straight of kbox too! ytd with band peeps and mon's with karen-and-friends. lols. sessions were fun as usual! but i guess those are reli my only 2 days of true blue relaxation in this whole wk... :((( my life damn sad lahh!!! grrrr. cant wait for sem to be over... *hurr i hear myslf saying tt every sem* ok i sudd dun feel lke blogging anymore lols. shall go slp and wake up to another day of proj meetings and mugging.... *yaawns* Tuesday, September 23, 2008 ♥ 12:10 AM super high now after watching mamma mia! XD woots its soooo nostalgic to be listening to all those songs from abba~! haha watched with ntmb peeps and think we can all connect to the songs well cos we all played abba gold in sec1 :] well, if u've always loved abba's songs, u'll love it even more after watching the show :)) its reli nice!!! amazing how all the lyrics can fit into the story so well. just love de show alot!! haha the songs are like totally looping in my head... ahh so nice!!!!!! XD old songs are reli so much better than new ones :D wahaha im gonna get the vcd when its out! and pierce brosnan just looks DAMN GOOD can. he's just oh-so-charming~~~ hahaha :P ok im just here to high abt the movie. shall update on bbq and stuffs next time :P im gone! Friday, September 19, 2008 ♥ 10:24 PM >=( was abt to learn new songs and revise old ones for sunday's jamming BUT the tenant had to come back SOO early on a good ol' fri nite. WHYYYYYYY!! why cant she stay out later to enjoy and let me prac at home??? grrr so pissed. if i cant sing on sunday its the tenant's fault not mine >=( oh no tt sounded lke some external locus of control.. =/ GARR. psychology is definitely starting to drive me mad. even when i watch dramas and hear their dialogues i'll think of it in psy terms!! lke super cannot enjoy the show lohhhh. damn. alright just a little rant here. angry cos i cant sing. RAHHH!!! sucks tt i haf SO many things to do during recess wk i dun even haf time to breathe. extra sucks tt abnormal psy test 2wks after break will include chapter 9 which is NOT taught yet which means i BETTER start rev next wk cos de blardy tb is damn big and wordy. trust me, the pictures available and the space they take up are negligible. 1chapter = 40pages so 9 chapters = 360pages worth of mugging. T_T and thats only abnormal psy. RAHHHHHHH i reli wish i can just EAT my readings u noe???? sickening sickening sickening. i dun even haf time for myslf!!! like yeahhhh i'll be able to finish all tt stuff but only if i dun slp dun eat dun go toilet =/ sucks right???? someone open the window and let the air in pls!!!! wish i had my sunflower with me now :( BAH. back to my project. Thursday, September 18, 2008 ♥ 1:08 AM just grumbled a lot to peiwen and it totally feels gd. its quite destressing to be evil once in a while hehheh :P but hmm it reli takes two hands to clap u noe. things will happen only if ppl allow them to.. :] anw, another long day but somehow it din feel tiring :) maybe i've grown stronger!!!!! hahaha okayy im sure i havent grown in any way except perhaps fatter but lets not digress to tt. haha the video shown during genes abt sars was quite nice. sudd my respect for WHO increased. lols its reli amazing how they managed to control that stupid disease when they knew nth abt it in de first place... kudo kudos :) and im fully enjoying band again after my 1week break :) helps tt mr oura told us the funny macdonald story just now. hahaha he's so funny lahhh XD ok its just a random blog post. long day again tmr. may it be better! :) Tuesday, September 16, 2008 ♥ 10:16 PM haha i sudd rmbred my conv with jane ytd while walking out of mediacorp.. she was lke "eh ur brother go in alr right" ":| ... oh. my brother. yahh he went in on wednesday" lol i cant believe til now she's STILL saying yirun and i looked lke siblings -.- and chan keeps calling the 2 of us sisters... =/ okayy its one big family out der~~ haha alright this is very random. change in my songlist! haha yah i noe its been stagnant for quite some time.. anyhoo, am quite addicted to the 2 thai songs now! they just kept looping in my head~~~ haha and got addicted to yellow today XD totally cant wait to jam on sunday! heh oni learned a bit just now so hopefully der's still time to brush up later in the week.. seriously im quite dead cos i havent learn osca also and i've kinda forgotten the songs we jammed last time =x ahhhh buck up xinyi!!! ok i will prac on fri :D anw, its been a very slack-y day but it ended off pretty well :) yeah im super behind readings for personality and abnormal psy cos 've been pia-ing cog psy for de past wk... doesnt help tt recent readings are lke 2 chapters instead of 1 =/ grrrr. so so so dead. thank god - no. thank ntu - its recess wk next wk so can still catch up a bit.. i wont slack off this time round!! >=D heh well anw oni read A BIT of pers psy tb this morning... prac-ed my flute (haven touched it for 1 whole wk shit) and tried to learn jamming songs.. and napped after tt =x was supposed to wake up at 4+ but i overslept til 5 instead =x lucky i managed to wake up if not i no nid meet peiwen liao lols. met her and andrew and went to davis tgt to repair andrew's mini amp... hehh yeah stupid me dropped it tt time =x anw din repair cos it sounded better after changing de battery.. but still not as gd as new lah =x ahhh i'll get him a new one if i strike it rich! meanwhile i'll just continue using first~~ keke :) dinner at shokudo after tt! yum yum de pizza still rocks. haha went to walk arnd after tt.. got this shop sell clocks one damn nice!!! love the one with a lot of smileys. it totally looks HAPPY!! think if i get tt i'll be very motivated to wake up every morning cos i'll feel happy just by looking at the clock :D hahahaha ok tts quite a lame (and overoptimistic) thought. went to another shop tt sells all sorts of things (ok lah not all sorts but u get e drift) and was super intrigued by the mini musical boxes! tts lke SO COOL and super cute cos its vry small but yet it can produce vry nice tunes!! XD i liked it so much i placed an order with andrew for delivery on my birthday. THANK YOU ANDREW. hahahaha im just kidding. but it was reli fun playing arnd with the diff tunes at the store :P esp colors of the wind!!! sucha nostalgic childhood song~~~ woohoo! ok guilt's getting to me again. it seems lke i've totally broken my own studying momentum.... RAHHHH ok im going to study now. NOW!! Monday, September 15, 2008 ♥ 11:49 PM jsut came back from superband!!! woots live is SO MUCH better den wad we hear on tv lahhh. der's lke super a lot of reverb and echo for vox.. hahaha but i was damn irritated by the whistles those fans kept blowing >=( de acoustics of de place just resonates EVERYTHING back so its lke double e volume.. grrrr. im not going back der again mann...... unless our dear ethereal gets to finals :D yes jiayou kunio!!! *wow so cool* (internal joke. LOLLLL) sen lin tie left the most impression on me :)) loved their arrangement of de song!!! and the vox sounded really nice during live :) double thumbs up!! in fact, most of the vox sounded better as i mentioned earlier.. but on the whole sen lin tie still left the best impression on me :D BUT damn sad lahhh just heard from jun tt they got eliminated!!! >=( whyyyyyyyyyyy.... :((((( haix nvm. i still support u all!!!! and im sure peiwen will too although i think her support will be a tad biased towards de vox :P hahahaha ethereal better make it further into the comp mann... if not no reason to catch superband anymore!!! :( haha JIAYOU~!! XD cog psy test is FINALLY over!!! *huuuuuge sigh of relief* and amazingly instead of short-ans qns, we had true/false qns.. lol no probs mann its so much better :P hopefully i'll do alright! *pray pray* pulled karen to shop with me in town since she's gonna haf dental at heeren at 3+. haha laughed and talked so much on the way der lahh damn funny. lols but her meowmeow came quite early *>=(* and snatched her back.. hahaha kidding. yup did most of e shopping on my own! quite fun to walk arnd at my own pace :) got 2 nice (and vry char bo =/) tops!! YES de feeling of retail therapy again after one week SUPER ROCKS. ok i promise der will be NO MORE official shopping trips for the rest of this month :) met peiwen for walle after tt. finally watching tt movie!!!! and its SUPER SUPER SUPER CUTE!!!!! ^^ think de backgrounds for the cast was quite nice too.. lols aiyah cast usually is black background mah den this one so pretty and colourful so its nice loh. hahaa :P but yep its a reli nice movie!! with a vry environmental storyline too~~ lols must watch must watch!! chionged off for superband after tt and made it just in time. de tix der wrote "location: mosh pit"...like =\ nearly scared all of us to death. haha but luckily we got to sit down. cant imagine "moshing" over with all de teens mann =x oh noo am i admitting im getting old?????? im not im not. still young ok :) rights so it's been quite an eventful day. happy happy! hahaa and received a crystal accessory from a fren too. like it a lot!!! vry vry pretty :))) but its lke so fragile and im so chor lor im afraid i'll break it within a week or sth. lol i shall not hang it on my phone.. just in case :P haha ok long day and my hair's dried alr. time to sleeeep!!! Thursday, September 11, 2008 ♥ 12:17 AM i actually had breakfast at the coffeeshop today. usually i'll just get a donut from the bakery and go but had this craving for chwee kueys so i ate at the kopitiam instead. great timing too cos there was this busker playing the harmonica at the kopitiam and seriously it was nice. not tt i heard lotsa harmonica playings but his was really gd. pleasant to the ears, at least. have nv seen nor had a busker perform at tt kopitiam before so its quite a gd first experience :) imagine eating it was a great start to the day! reli enjoyed his playing so i donated 2bucks. haha okayy i've always been quite against donations of 5cents 10cents or anything like that (aka donations more like clearing coins than "proper" donations) cos i find it reli pointless to donate so little. like wad can de person buy with 5cents in today's world lah??? since wanna donate den just donate a bit more lah right? at least $2 can buy char siew rice at my hse here lohhh. haha ok i know its a subjective issue. ps. i reli wanna print my notes and get de hell to bed BUT the stupid ntu website is totally not cooperating >=( wont be going band this wk cos i nid to - no. im trying to - mug hard for mon's cognitive test. but still, cant wait for istas kbox this sat :D its been SOOO long since i stepped into kbox lahh!! but den again, bad for my wallet cos will be spending a lot this wkend... hurrrr. i reli wanna shop again on mon after test u noe :(( ok the document's finally printing. im off! hopefully tmr'll be a better day :)) Wednesday, September 10, 2008 ♥ 12:19 AM waiting for the recordings to be uploaded so might as well blog now.. my eyes are falling out!!! damn damn damn tired T_T last jamming today cos yirun enlisting tmr... rahhh 3 wks no skyler :(( and somehow i have a feeling its gonna be 3wks+++...... boohoo :((( and just so happened tt he has some family matters so i guess it wasnt the fun-nest last-jamming-before-ns anymore =x hmm first time see him so affected during jamming.. hope he's feeling better now!! big strong guy shld be ok one lah hor :D take care ehhhh~ monster just told me abt her driving test this thurs.. so sorry i cant go down to give u support!! dun worry lah monster it'll be ok de!! :D:D just dun RAHH and scare the examiner away ok? if dun haf den cfm will pass one :D all the best my dearest monster!!! yayness. upload completed! woots! slp time!! Monday, September 08, 2008 ♥ 11:14 PM yes yes long time no update! haf been reli busy the past wk... many many things happened!! had ntmb gathering on tues :))) met the horn sl whom i haven met up with for 4 YEARS and the rest of the grp. hahaha its still so great laming each other crazy before dinner whn we're all hungry and high~~ hahaha hopefully der'll be many more gatherings to come! :D and hopefully i'll be healthy enuff to be able to enjoy the pizza next time we dine at pizzahut~ hehh was still sick tt day so oni ate pathetic pasta :(( but i daresay im all well and healthy now!! *cough cough* just kidding :) im reli well! wed and thurs was crazy with flute quartet prac.. ok lah not crazy in tt sense, but just tt i was still somewhat stressed up cos we're seeing the pieces 1st time and its only 4 days before performance!! =S doesnt help tt they threw me another 2 familiar-to-them pieces on thurs.. meaning i gotta chiong on fri so we can prac on sat morning and go perform at night =x i swear, this is damn stressful. lols. and another suuuper impromptu thing was the jap song performance which cedric informed me abt only on thurs night... and de perf was to be on sat early noon =x accepted it cos der's money to earna nd i cld reli do with another extra 50bucks u noe... hahaha but arghhhh had to pick a song and find its instrumental version and prac (once again its only pathetic friday left) and decide on how de hell im gonna dress up jpop. lols kinda neglected de last point cos i seriously dun haf jpop stuff and i was stressed up to the neck abt de song and flute pieces alr. but well. those 2 performances are *huuuuge sigh of relief* finally over so its great :] somehow it feels lke im running getai and it seriously stressed me up lke nth but, i'd say its another gd experience earned. 1st time going solo without skyler behind me... it feels damn weird!!!!! X( now i know the importance of u guys~~~~ *teary eyes* HAHAHA omg. but it reli feels vry lonely singing alone :( and der's double the stress!!! rahhhh. i hope this kinda impromptu thing doesnt happen again. or rather, doesnt happen too frequently =x or maybe it shld huh? more exposure den will lead to extinction of the conditioned response which is the nervousness i feel......... (psychology) OH i forgot to mention. i met karen at the cc after soundcheck!!!!!! its lke SUCH A SMALL WORLD CAN!! lke wads de probability of meeting a fren at sucha funny place and funny event and at sucha ulu corner of the place???? karen we are soooo fated mann. lols. and im so glad i haf peiwen jarvis and karen with me tt day. if not i think i wld've died from nervousness or sth.. haha yep reli glad its over alr! slacked my sunday away slping and watching king kong... yeah i noe i've watched tt a zillion times but its still nice mah!! how i noe it will show until 12am... :( heh din study much in e end... hurrrr can i depend more on luck tt i'll do ok for cognitive test next monday???? =S and i went shopping after lect today.. lols. i admit seeing everyone mugging at the study tables made me feel guilty... but i was reli in drastic need of retail therapy!!! lol. havent shopped for super long okayyy. haha yep so today shopped until veeeeeery happy lols. BUTTT the day din end as happy as it should.. i actually left my laptop at pastamania!!!! and i was dumb enuff to only realise when i tapped out at clementi... lke eh, how come my hands so free ar.... !!!!! LAPTOP!!!!!!! was damn shocked and scared laaaaa. called the outlet and was SO relieved to hear tt they kept it.... reli many many thnx to whoever found it (and din take it)!!!!! may he/she be very very blessed~~ haha and yeah im gonna love my lappy a lot more now. its just so uber impt!!! haha alright its been a vry long (and frightening) day. shall mug hard tmr. im off! Monday, September 01, 2008 ♥ 10:47 PM koped from jun. haha :P ![]() You are 3:15 p.m. You are the moment when the last bell rings and school lets out for the day. You are resistant to schedules and obligations, so you love feeling like you're in control of your life again. You are the very moment when the second hand hits the 12, and the halls fill with noise and motion. Even if your after-school time is packed with activities, lessons, or a job, somehow, you just feel freer in the late afternoon than you do earlier in the day. Maybe it's all that blue sky and afternoon sunshine? Nah -- even on rainy days, 3:15 is always a beautiful time. yeah i totally agree on the last sentence. 3.15pm is indeed a great time for slping :D especially on rainy days ;) anyhoo, jamming on sat was.. crowded. haha 4 of us plus jarvis, peiwen and chan who came to sit in. but think it was quite an ok session lah (finally), considering the many crappy and time-wasting sessions we've had in the past few wks.. hurrr. well, lets continue to jiayou ok! :D rmbr the f word!! with tt, i mean FOCUS. not some other word tt u're prob thinking abt >=( yes we gotta focus more! shall try to get a gd recording of our 3 songs next jam.. before our fav drummer goes ns. haha yeah keeping my fingers crossed for another gd session next wk :] anddd i've finally fallen sick =/ been kinda heaty and flu-prone for e past wk and plus all e late nites and stuff... well. just sad tt i cldnt reli "entertain" my godsis when she came over during the weekend cos was feeling groggy and 75% voiceless =x stupid sore throat. begone!!!! and lke all worry-warts my mom insisted we go to the clinic after dinner. so der goes 29bucks for a consultation of less-than-3mins and a few tablets to swallow tonight. >=( docs are reli earning big bucks mann.. HAIX such an unfair world. wheres the money tts supposed to come to me???? :(( okok shldnt starting getting myslf depressed when im alr recovering quite ok. hopefully i'll be up and kicking again tmr! gathering with ntmb mates and i so dont wanna spread de flu bug arnd =x yeps. slping early for a better (and healthier) tmr!! *poofs* |
colourful xinyi` 201288 sagittarius ntss.sajc.pjc.ntu psy ntmb.sajccb.pjcsb.ntusb music is my life TALK MOVE ntusb anneson annabel cecilia celestine devin ellyne emerald gina izumiko jacqueline jarvis jeeyon jun lijein marie michelle.bei michelle.chiang peiwen shining simin tim woeilin yihui yiting REWIND December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 August 2011 January 2013 TAKE A BOW basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: photobucket photobucket designer: dreyfire inspiration: living a COLOURFUL life/♥s} |