Tuesday, February 24, 2009 ♥ 1:37 AM sojourn 2009! :)) am both glad and sad that its finally over. guess its one of my most stressful and "scariest" concerts bah.. =x sucks that there're so many holding notes [think: inn of 6th happiness grrrr] and tuning probs etc and not like my intonation is so stable... hur =x well at least now i know the stuff i gotta really work on eh? which is a lot =S ok i really need to see lao shi more often >=( anyhoo, photos! :D ![]() flute girls and guy. haha ![]() trumflute! XD haha. shld be only trumpets lah.. but we just nice were going down when they're taking pic so XD camera man: "how come ur section so big ar??" lol. ![]() goldie! ahbond shiing and monster! (so "concert attire" haha :P) thanks so much for coming down my dear girls! :)) and to the others who came down to support too, thanks a lot!! :D hope u guys did enjoy the performance as much as i did [although i was stressed half the time but yeah i guess 2nd half's quite alrite :P] yupp and tts the final thing that ended stressful-last-week. that week really seemed soooo long u know. from last sat all the way til this, its been mug mug mug and band band band simultaneously =S im glad its all over~~ haha but in a sense, i'll miss the intense band pracs lah. somehow i dun really love having "long" breaks without band prac... =x alright its a very complicated feeling haha. went shopping for bday presents with yiting today and kbox after tt! :D yeahhhhh super duper happy tt one of my cravings are finally fulfilled! XD its been so long since i learned songs just for the sake of singing them at kbox [read: no stress! :P] very long since i learned chinese songs too.. haha yup im so glad i finally had my kbox session! although it was a really short one cos went off early for istas supper after tt :) had our supper and mini bday celebration at thomson prata shop. woots so long since the last time i had their mutton soup!! it still rocks XD but seriously ar, i dun really like mushroom-cheese-egg prata... =X and so its been another long day of fun! :) haa reli wonder if i'll finish the stuff i targeted myslf to finish by this recess wk.. i dun like the feeling of lagging behind for my studies! X( sudd it seems like recess wk is so packed - no. it IS packed -.- tt i dun haf time for a lot of ppl and things again... =/ this must be one of my bad habits. shiet. but ohwells cant help it tt i cant stand staying at home too long haha. weijie, i really hope u can make it on friday!! XD Tuesday, February 17, 2009 ♥ 11:42 PM im back in action! XD its been quite a wk (again), with a rather "bipolar" series of events ranging from the very happy ones to the damnfreaking-stressful ones which needless to say, mean nth else but the blardy midterms. (if u're wondering if im saying 'the midterms' with a grudge, yes i am.) the happy ones :))))) 1. simin's 21st bday party on 8th feb! :D:D:D ![]() with ntmb mates.. (lance shld be photoshopped inside! lol) ![]() 1st 3 mth sajc mates.. ![]() and the birthday girl :) happy 21st my dearest ahbond! ^.^ 2. post-bday outing with jj gang! ![]() (with jiesheng and louis behind the cam..) very very few pics cos the cam died soon after :( its ok! der'll definitely be future meet ups with them haha. had dinner at this restaurant (forgot e name!) at holland v and the food's quite gd! :) it was fun laughing ard with them during dinner and while playing "bom" using poker cards. seriously, its been EONS since i did so much maths ok!! its amazing how i even solved one qn lols. but yep food's gd company's gd! nice end to a long long day :)) p/s: i wan my kbox session soon!!! 3. last thurs was the best day of the week!!! (wait til u read abt how HORRIBLE last week had been for me..) went for a destressing haircut - ok fine i NEEDED it cos my fringe's getting way too long and its obscuring my vision but u cant deny tt it helps me destress! yes yes i had a haircut in the morning :))))) and lunched with simin and woeilin at jp! :D ![]() hahaha this shot was actually accidental. i was sulking to woeilin cos wednesday had been real bad and simin is er.. i duno wad she doing LOL. ![]() ok here's a more proper one :) recording lesson in the noon after tt. really love attending this class cos of the ppl! :D its great tt the ppl in my clique can all click very well and they nv fail to make me laugh ard dem! lols. just very fun to attend lesson and to crap with them for the entire 2+hrs XD im lovin' it! had our 1st session trying out omens of love too. hoho i din noe nie classroom got drumset mixer keyboard guitars all those stuff one! i entered the room and was like damn cool-ed by it lah lol. anw, session was quite ok. just tt i reli gotta prac my part and erm try to come up with a "up to standard" flute solo during the song's transition... hur ok jiayou! :D and i tot tt was gonna be the last happy event of the day but no it wasnt! :P din expect to receive a super-belated bday present in e late evening! haha well it reli came very late but, it was a really really nice gift :)) one of the best i received i thk! haha. thank you very very much for the effort!! really love it a lot :) (der is, of cos, more to this. haha) yeah. 12/02/09 was really a very, very nice thursday :) unfortunately, tt also marked the last of my happy moments in the past week...... 死 MIDTERMS. stress level was seriously at its peak the whole of last week. asian psy: mon's lect was only half completed cos the first half was dominated by the previous week's material which wasnt finished. tut on tues and we did some tests, for which results wld be a big part of our ppt the following wk (today). we're also supposed to do readings to aid us in tt ppt but readings werent uploaded (and lect wasnt even completed). results for the entire cohort was only uploaded on wed nite, together with readings for last wk, which turned out to be a total of ~100 pages of journal articles worth of reading. tt was SIMPLY WONDERFUL and ABSOLUTELY CONSIDERATE. we've actually requested for a postponing of the ppt cos the following wk was our midterms week and we haf HELL lots of things to study. the request was obvly rejected, but its ok. but 100 PAGES of readings????? if we haf only THAT to do for the entire wk, its of cos possible. but hello?? 8 chapters of biopsy to be tested on the following mon AND personnel midterms (rmbr i said i dun feel like i've absorbed anything regarding this module?) on tues is alr murderous. NO JOKE. how is it even possible tt we can finish the freaking 100pgs of readings AND do up a ppt within 4 days?? it really pissed me off. VERY BADLY. looking at the 3 journal articles tt im supposed to read and digest within DAYS on top of all the stress from the many many things to study for midterms is really just !!!!!!!!!!!! poor peiwen. she's almost always the receiver of my er, profanities =x academics aside, the other only MOST horrible thing tt ever happened to me in my entire life happened just YESTERDAY. i awoke early on mon to revise some last bits for biopsy midterms. was concentrating as usual when i tot i felt sth on the back of my neck. 1st tot was of cos tt its just my hair tickling, but on 2nd tots, my hair nv felt so "rough", so i decided to just sweep my hair away from my neck AND TO MY HORROR IT TURNED OUT TO BE A FREAKING COCKROACH WHICH ENDED UP ON THE BACK OF MY HAND. i swear, it was !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i obvly flung my hand damn hard from the shock i received and the freakingly grossly revoltingly digusting kar chua fell onto the floor. after which it was OBVIOUSLY killed by shieldtox >=( its just so damn disgusting and traumatising tt i feel damn eeeewwwwww even at the thought of it. can u imagine?????? my NECK!!!!! AGRHHHH *shudders* to add on, the kar chua wasnt exactly small............ X( X( X( X( X( to think i was still reading the part on our somatosensory system when it happened. -.- i swear my skin's sensitivity is up ten-fold now lah... so much for waking up early to study.. damn the kar chua. the it is now one of my lifelong aims to banish cockroaches from the face of this earth. WHY arent they eliminated already??? are there reli "so many" good genes in them tt nature doesnt de-select them??? argh. kar chuas. feel so relieved now that all my core midterms are over. it was really really bad over the weekend. cant even enjoy the 2 days properly! :( but they're finally all over, and YES WE SURVIVED. maybe ppl should set up some website tt worships us uni students for all the shit we go thru just for tt piece of paper huh? after recording midterms on thurs, i'll be totally free :)) its temporary of cos, but i really thk we deserve tt break. thanks to the uni life tt almost "broke" us as well. oh i forgot. concert is THIS SATURDAY!!!! ahhhh. to think it was only the 1st time i played jap graft during sectionals today =x hurr. i reli hope i can play ok on sat! meanwhile, interested ppl can still contact me for tickets!! :D lol alright tt was a very last-min sales push. its been a very long day, and a very long week (or was it 2weeks? i duno). was so completely drained out by sch tt der was no time to even think of other stuff tt're important to me. hmm. actually its been quite a myriad of bad stuff happening these 2 mths eh? :( im really hoping for some kinda positive change in things mann.. and its been real long since i talked to my favouritest girls :(( but, now tt midterms are almost over, chat sessions can resume again! :D looking fwd to tt ;) oh. and im so glad my comp's frenly with me again; it finally can load facebook! :D few days back the window will just hang whenever i go fb so i totally cldnt access it at all :( but its ok. now im happy :) ah comp ar, pls stay like this ok! :D ciaos :) Thursday, February 05, 2009 ♥ 12:52 AM sometimes ppl are just so idiocentric. but that said, if u want something so much, then why arent u willing to take the initiative to do sth abt it? why do u see the problem, but choose to leave it der and not do anything abt it when u can? problems dont usually go away by themselves, u know? just a thought. and u know, sch really, really sucks? or maybe i shld change the "s" to "f" sometimes when i use the word.. if im a rabbit, i wld've died long ago. i dont even feel lke ranting anymore. maybe cos i've repeated the rants several times so im tired. but, really, ranting wont solve the problem and it'll just make ppl feel bad tt they cant seem to help. i really dont think der's a solution to my situation(s) right now. even if der is, its all gonna be based on my own efforts. u all cant help me study, can u? yeah i really wish u can, but its alright, i'll settle it :) still, thank you-s to jie and ai ai :)) i think its de 1st time i spoke so little during section dinner. they must be amazed at how quiet i can be [haha]. i dont like to stay quiet though. i really prefer the crazy, rah-rah me u know? at least i zi-high i feel happy myslf even if it means impeding on others'... :P actually, i really have nth to blog abt. bye. random: oh damn wad happened to my slp-early resolution =/ random random: next mon seemed quite far away. until a minute ago when i just just JUST rmbred i haf a report due on..... monday. fuck. Monday, February 02, 2009 ♥ 1:18 AM i've become sucha huge procrastinator im scaring myslf =x once again i've reached the point of finding it impossible to finish the readings i've accumulated.. did i mention i feel very insecure abt asian and personnel psy? all e way since sem started til now, i dun feel lke i've truly absorbed anything from asian and personnel. im not even doing anything for personnel proj cos it seems like, der's "nth" to do? =x hur. u noe, this is really bad? are midterms even still on??? i seriously feel like im still on holiday! X( basically its just a very complex feeling. feeling like der's "nth" to do yet having readings accumulating behind u... bahhhh sucks x( alright alright sch aside! went to watch quarter to five's jamming on fri nite cos my mom went for mj (again) and i didnt feel like staying home alone so i decided to go out [yes despite the long to-do list. kill me :(]. din regret that move cos their jamming was really enjoyable! :D havent sat in for jamming sessions for quite some time and it was one gd session to be in. at least i enjoyed and "destressed" for 2hrs! :D headed to mac's for supper [dang i shared 2 packets of large fries with peiwen =/ AHHHHHHH!! peiwen lets really go swim soon ok??] and contributed to their think-of-band-name process... hahah ok thk i din contribute much LOL. but yeah quarter to five's a nice name! :D all the best for 7th dec AFTH performance! :)) went to youwei's place for cny gathering today! haha ok got a bit lost cos i alighted at the wrong bus stop BUT gd thing it wasnt tt bad cos it was just 3 blks away. u know sometimes one stop is like one expressway away from the other? =x hurrrr. anyhoo, finally got to play my yearly ban lak!!! XD was super suay at the starting cos keep getting "picture" when i alr haf like 12 or sth -.- zz reli damn irritating! shld've worn a red shirt der. haha but gd thing my luck became better towards e end and won back a bit. no big bucks cos we're betting only cents.. lols. spent quite a lot of time singing karaoke at his place too. so fun to haf de system at home!! his karaoke cd collection quite up also so its like kbox lol. great tt company's gd too! :D ok so its been a rather happening weekend for me. i shld turn in early.. tmr's a super long day cos mon band pracs haf started :(( haix readings ar readings......... |
colourful xinyi` 201288 sagittarius ntss.sajc.pjc.ntu psy ntmb.sajccb.pjcsb.ntusb music is my life TALK MOVE ntusb anneson annabel cecilia celestine devin ellyne emerald gina izumiko jacqueline jarvis jeeyon jun lijein marie michelle.bei michelle.chiang peiwen shining simin tim woeilin yihui yiting REWIND December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 August 2011 January 2013 TAKE A BOW basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: photobucket photobucket designer: dreyfire inspiration: living a COLOURFUL life/♥s} |