Thursday, January 28, 2010 ♥ 12:06 AM ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (yeah i sure wanna do manicure using this... hahaha) ![]() ![]() (sexay~) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() hahah. sometimes, all u need is just a funny email to brighten up ur day. here was mine :] well, part of it at least :P ahhhh wad am i doing blogging again when i have TONNES of readings to complete... anyway, its gonna be a very band-y week this week. all the way til sunday, which is our concert day, so der's really like so little time left for studying. i hope i wont morph into a panda for good... X( sigh. GAMBATTE, XINYI-SAN! oh and, i've been having this urge to LEAVE SINGAPORE recently lol. maybe its cos of too much envy towards my friends who went on exchange, or maybe im just getting very very sick of sg. to the extent i wanna migrate HAHA. ahbond, im completely with u on this!!! for now at least :P but anw, am contemplating a trip at the end of the year... maybe australia?? hahahaha. not sure yet. depends a lot on the moolah factor... but honestly, IM SO SICK OF SG. i wanna get out :( ok maybe its just the stress getting to me. and its been hell long since i had a proper vacation too *sobs*. ok thats it. I WANNA GO AUSTRALIA!!!!! any takers? :D Monday, January 25, 2010 ♥ 2:44 AM (yes i know im quite a mad blogger) in case u think im oblivious to this, i do realise i havent been the best kind of friend to have (nor the kind of friend i want myself to be), especially recently. yah its emo hour now, whatever. just wanna let all my friends know -or if u already know, just a gentle reminder, that YOU ARE VERY IMPORTANT TO ME!!! yeah i love chiu lots :) i know its not gonna help a lot but i still wanna say sorry to all those whom i havent been giving my time to or as much attention as i should. aka, NEGLECT. :( feel really bad for not being able to listen more and give constructive advice when i can and should, for not being able to accompany a best friend to a party filled with possibly strangers (im really sorry!! :(), for not doing more meaningful things in preparing for ppl's birthdays, for not doing the most of what a friend can do. i dont know how i can get so caught up with the events in my own life that i neglect so much of my social circle when i look back at it after a while.. i hope -no, i dont want my friends to be one of the sacrifices i make in the course of achieving my goals. i am still learning how to balance up every aspect of my life, so i can be a happy daughter, a happy student, a happy worker, a happy musician, and a happy friend. i dont wanna be seen as someone who's always complaining about how life sucks, because i know people get turned off by people like that. but i also know disclosure of emotions improves mental well-being, and so being the selfish me, i rant. believe me, i dont want to keep ranting too. i wanna blog happy posts and be positive too! but im really feeling strangled by life's "shits" now, and i know there're many parts of my life that's in a mess. honestly, do u know how much i miss jamming??? :( band is the only music channel i have now, and the only destress outlet available, so please dont ask me again or question my thinking about why im not giving up band or even just going for fewer practices, and im complaining im tired and busy and dont have time for this and that, when all the time taken up by band is kinda self-inflicted. i know it takes up the bulk of my rest time and this sucks cos it means i cant rest after a long day, but i also know its sth i love and enjoy. yes, to a great extent. there's this saying that, sometimes, u dont have to explain anything to anyone. people who love u wont need u to do so, and people who dislike u wont believe it anyway. i just hope people can understand and perhaps empathise with others who're not doing the same things as they are, and who are seemingly foolish in continuing with something they themselves dont see any point in. on difference in perceptions, what u see as a priority in life may not be what others see. same goes for what u think is worth ur time and what isnt. hmm ok this post is starting to feel disorganised, and perhaps becoming more of a psychology preach. maybe ppl really cant think clearly at 3am. nvtheless, i do hope i'll emerge a better person from all these "challenges". and of course, become a better friend. :) Sunday, January 24, 2010 ♥ 10:30 PM cny's around the corner! didnt actually "realise" this until today when i went bugis with my mom and heard all those cny songs playing through the PAs and all the SHOPS that i hadnt had time to visit for so. damn. long. :( I MISS SHOPPING!!! >.< it sucks to be in bugis looking at stores and stores of clothes when u know u dont have the time to shop nor the money to lavishly spend on...... which resulted in my shopping online :D now im damn torn as to whether i shld get the stuff. ahhhhh help!! u know how tired u really are when u oversleep on ur 1-hr afternoon nap even after a proper 8hrs of sleep the night before. i wish i can have more sundays like this! but i didnt "blame" myself too much for oversleeping lah, simply becos of the dream that i had. if all dreams are like that, i wouldnt mind sleeping on forever~~ :P sucks to be awoken back to the horrendous reality im facing right now anw -.- ok i shld get back to studying and stop dreaming abt my dream. many many things to do... Saturday, January 23, 2010 ♥ 10:46 PM just read karen's blog and, my dear psychie, just wanna let u know u're not alone :) we're in the same boat. change my 'band' into 'Go' (围棋), and 'internship stuff' into 'research stuff', and u get the exact same person already. i know it really really sucks to feel everything is a huge commitment and its not like sth u can just push away, and u know u dont wanna push it away too cos u love everyone of them. many ppl are unable to understand why we still hold on to our commitments when its taking up so much of our time and we could be "better off doing sth else". what they dont know is the passion we have for each of our commitments, that they're not just any "disposable" commitments, but sth we really love. we may complain from time to time that we have so little time left after minusing off time taken up by them but, its really a love-hate relationship. deep down we still love what we're doing and we know we wont let go. at least not yet. frankly speaking, i have nv thought of not going for band practices for good. yes i can "retire" anytime i want, but that thought hadnt really crossed my mind u know? the only times it did was when ppl ask if im gonna stop. k lah maybe im just weird. haha. anyway, karen im sure we'll pull through yet another time-constrained and stress-packed semester! ur number of years of commitment in Go is comparable to mine in band and im sure through these years, they've alr become such intrinsic parts of us that we've already gotten used to life with them, and used to coping with stuff that inevitably pile above them. whats more, we survived 5 sems in uni! ;) we just gotta sit down and plan our time more carefully this sem, and im sure things will work out fine. its tough now, but the results will be worth it :) think of what an impressive resume u'll be able to write with experiences from all those researches u've contributed to! :D wish i could try for catherine's research assistant position too but, i really have enough on my hands already haha. thankfully for that cos if not, i'll definitely be fighting with u! :P but yeah must rmbr to plan time to rest k! i still believe in 休息是为了走更长远的路~~~~ :P which is why im gonna skip studying for today and just slp HAHA :P:P anw, really nice that band prac was quite enjoyable today :) think the repertoire for this concert is really nice!! like so many songs from der :D and now i cant wait to play my flute again! its just a little away from how much i wanna sing :P !! joann just showed me the snow outside her window!!!! SO DAMN NICE!! heard from her that snow glitters a little at night too... oh mann when will i get to see snow for myself??? >.< that lucky girl is currently on exchange in denmark. tsk so jealous. :P hahaha really wish i can go on exchange too!! why is everything so blardy expensive and why am im so poor??? >=( got money i sure tour europe until no day no night de muahahahaha~~~ :P ok lah i shld slp early to REALLY STUDY tmr. keke. nitex! Friday, January 22, 2010 ♥ 10:00 PM i hope this will be the last time im ranting about my school timetable. im sure u're kinda sick of hearing me complain too rite? :D have courageously decided to drop voice production becos the syllabus is so heavy now considering its only an elective and only worth 3 AUs. little credit, need quite a lot of effort, EXTRA READINGS... ha. no please. a total of 7 textbooks in 3 months is more than enough, thanks. and so i pray hard that i will get to do my psych attachment in the june hols so that it'll help me clear 5 AUs and i wouldnt die an early death upon graduating from ntu. thought long and hard about stuff and have decided i do wanna take up psych attachment. i've kinda been looking fwd to it since year 1 and yeah peiwen's right, attachment is sth i'll only get to do as a student.. once i grad, its really full time and u wont really get the chance to explore anymore. so yes, im gonna go for it. whether ntu will give me the attachment in the end, i'll leave it up to fate~~~~ and as a FINAL rant, i cant believe there are 28 CHAPTERS for neuropsych!!! SUPER A LOT CAN. usually we have abt 12 or 14 and its ENOUGH...... and i was so naive to think, ok maybe 28 chapters den 1 chapter lesser pages so like 25pages? :D WRONG. its still a friggin 30 or 40 page per chapter so thats like 800 pages to digestttt.... SOMEBODY CALL 911! >.< and dont remind me i have 3 more textbooks and my 2 extra finance exams........ ok i just stupidly reminded myself. RAAWRRRR. *ties '必胜' headband* yesterday had actually been a horrible day cos i was kinda feeling the stress from every angle of my life and to "top it off", i lost my ez-link card :(((( *prays* KIND SOUL, please report that u've found it so i can claim it backkkkkkk. haix. how suay can i get.... yiting says, it might be a blessing in disguise!! :D heh i cant see how losing ur ez-link card can be a blessing but... OKAY. i had no money to take train (i didnt have much cash with me to buy the single-trip card too :() so i cld only take bus and so i FINALLY went to the new bus interchange! :D and realised its actually the old interchange - the one before the temp interchange thats now only serving 179 and 199 buses - but with an added shelter and a new airport-ish outlook. and how long i've lived (aka AGED) to actually see the evolution of jp interchange~~~ anyhoo if losing my ez link is really a blessing in disguise, i hope this isnt the only "blessing" haha. may i get my card back within the next few days~~ 5hr break today so went to catch the tooth fairy with psychies!! :D ITS SO DAMN NICE TO BE WATCHING A MOVIE. amongst all the stress im alr getting from week 2.... a movie's like a luxury activity laa lol. anyway, the movie's nice!! :D damn funny one haha. now im in the movie mood again (all jingxiu's fault!!). cant wait to catch "the spy next door" and "how to train a dragon" and "percy jackson and the olympians: the lightning thief"!! i wonder if we can really watch every friday :D ohwells. we'll see about that. to end off, here's the song chloe apparently loves and which im also damn hooked to :P Shinee - Ring Ding Dong i think the golden hair guy looks bit like wilber pan!! :P ok lah at certain angles only hahaha. bad boy look~ Ring ding dong, ring ding dong diggi ding diggi ding ding ding~ Monday, January 18, 2010 ♥ 11:39 PM yay yay i passed M5!! :D :D ![]() thanks to all the good luck from all of u! didnt expect to receive so many sms-es telling me to jiayou and dont fall asleep (haha) during the mugging week and of cos, the gd-luck msgs ytd! :D heee thanks for all the luck ppl :) can return u all le! but i think i'll need it again just before cny :P:P anyhooo, one exam down, 2 more to go :] and the calling from psy workload is getting louder so i cant ignore it anymore. time to chiong for sch work!! sigh when will i get my break?? :(:( but yeah. i just rmbr-ed i have this homework thingy to complete by 12.30pm tmr and i have read no pages from that chapter. ha. think its gonna be an early morning tmr again~~ good training to be morning person. anyone wanna join me? :D kidding. and WOOHOO i finally finally watched avatar today!! XD two words. DAMN NICE! hahah. really quite a must-watch in my opinion, especially for ppl like me who always say will buy dvd when it comes out but in the end still nv buy lols. but im not spared from the headache due to the 3D specs though :( think really kinda straining to the eyes. especially when u've already had a headache from some stupid 100-question computer screen exam an hour ago.... -.-" nvtheless, good show so its worth it, and i really havent watched a movie with my ahbond for damn long!! so nice to meet up today :)) rmbr to pass me ur HK almond biscuits before u finish them ok! :P ok my head's still throbing. shall turn in for the night~ it better subside when i wake up tmr! >.< Sunday, January 17, 2010 ♥ 3:20 PM I LOST 2KG. O.O omgggg what happened to me!!! to think i was still afraid i've put on like 5kg when i courageously stood on the weighing scale.... zzzzz. i swear i've been eating normally lah! >.< zomg. at the rate im going im really gonna be blown away by the wind... *grabs on to nearest lamppost* feed me, people :] i am officially a fan of 高以翔 !!!!!! XD hahahahaha. he's one of the actors in my very-long-nv-watch 桃花小妹 and after not watching the show for so long and seeing him again on 我猜 last night, my fan-ism was sparked off totally!! lols. he's a super charming dude~~ <3 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() hoooo super 帅 can~~ cheers for masculinity charm. melts all girls HAHA :P he's cuter during acting i think. cannot just see photos lah must see him move hahaha. can tell he's quite tall when compared to the other actors/actresses in the shows (and esp when he stands beside wu zhong xian LOL) but i didnt know he's THAT tall. 1.95m!!! i can imagine myself standing on a small stool talking to him already~~ tsk dream cannot ar?? haha i wonder if he'll come to singapore; i will sure go see!!!! weijie u can join me too :P HAHA. kkk i've deviated enough from reality. time to come back to earth. reality says im less than 24hrs away from my M5 exam DDD: study. Friday, January 15, 2010 ♥ 10:01 PM since when did it become friday again??? a while ago it was REALLY just monday u know :( first week of sch hadnt been good. for once. usually my timetable's settled during registration of courses and i have almost nothing to do with the add/drop period. this sem, the courses are very limited and kinda sucky, i didnt get the ones i wanted, there are some courses im interested in but not so with regards to the professor so im gonna drop it.... rahhhh. in a nutshell, very troublesome, and a very bad start to a new semester and a new year. pfffft. i cant believe i could actually feel the kind of stress similar to the pre-finals type in the first week of school. having to cram in time to swallow the 8 chapters for my M5 exam on monday and new school assignments is a NIGHTMARE. yes blardy hell i have school assignments from my first lesson on tues (organisational behavior). stuff that i gotta complete by friday noon, on top of my prevailing M5 revision. well, fair enough actually. i did expect sch work to come in. but then i was also told on my thurs lesson (clinical neuropsychology) that we're gonna have 6 quizzes this semester and the first one will start next week :))) WHO THE MOTHER GIVES PEOPLE QUIZZES ON THE SECOND WEEK OF SCHOOL?!!!! marie: "wah lau what kinda stupid course is that!" ='''( my core lor. *breathes in VERY deeply* even the thought of that impending quiz on thurs makes me feel half the stress already.. and so far this is only for 2 modules.......... :(( tell me how im gonna survive the first half of 2010 please. gimme a remedy, an elixir, or even better, an escape route!! dear god (whichever god u are it doesnt matter cos im a free thinker), please: let me pass M5 on mon so i dont have to pay $100 and retake (which is another $100); let me have enough energy to finish my readings every week on time; let the quiz on thursday be easy-peasy; let the 2 concerts i have in jan and march zoom past so quickly i dont even know they're over; LET ME BREATHE. *huge sigh, huge sigh, huge sigh* break time's up. time to go back to mugging (i cant believe i've morphed into one of those freaks who mug on the first week of school). "what doesnt kill u will make u stronger." ha. i seriously think i'll be damn strong when i graduate mann -.- Monday, January 11, 2010 ♥ 12:07 AM ![]() finance. is. so. not. my. thing. major X_X . ok maybe its just finance laws that i cant stand. they can actually make a whole paragraph into one single statement and expect readers to understand that bunch of jargon words and readability-near-0 phrases >=( tsk. sucky texttttt. i nearly suffocated at chapter 2. lets hope chapter 3 wont kill me off entirely tmr T_T . 7 days to go xinyi. u better 加 all the 油 u have!! i nv thought i'll attend another australian education fair again, ever since i went to the one 3 years ago with the intention of enquiring about veterinary science in aus. now, im actually enquiring about POSTgraduate studies in psychology. omgggg i feel so old already :/ but the enquiry was just a 顺便 thing lah, since i was already there being the kind soul to accompany my fake brother (yirun) who wanted to go but in the end asked lesser questions than me and who made me forego half the day's worth of studying >=( i dont care hor u owe me a meal!! k lahhh im just kidding~~ must do more kind deeds to accumulate more good karma so i'll pass all my finance exams mah right? 0=) but DONT even think of asking me to help u all do funny stuff like clean ur room or wash ur dishes for the sake of good karma k. it doesnt work like this~~~ :D ok back to seriousness. did i mention such fairs are quite motivating in a sense? somehow it directs me back to the path i want - or maybe i think i want - to take because it makes me feel like im doing sth to bring me closer to my goal. but i know its all psychological haha. although 2nd upper honours will mean meeting the entry requirements, it doesnt mean u have a good chance of getting in cos there are like only sixxxx pathetic slots available for international students? and guess what. lotsa 1st class ppl fighting with u too :] sighhhhhhh. ok dont think so much. concentrate on passing that exam on monday xinyi. CANNOT FAIL!!! if not pay $100 :(( kkk i ish go sleep. Sunday, January 10, 2010 ♥ 12:23 AM my eyes are half-closed, but just a quick update :) - YAY weijie is gonna do the internship with me!!!! XD my dear, u have no idea how happy i am to have u on the team :))) but i know u know exactly why, besides the reason of having a best friend alongside me ;) hee love u!! - lunch with colleagues at RTC on friday was good. :) although my first thought when desmond asked me if i was free was "huhh but i really wanna nwah on friday leh.." and i purposely didnt work on fri cos i needed some home time and now, treat from boss, cant really reject right? haha. needed to get the textbook for my exam from desmond too so.... - yes exam in 8 days time GOD BLESS ME. 8 chapters of financial thingy-s written in greek which i gotta 'enter' into my mind is really x_x and i still have no idea wad M5 is abt exactly cos i havent really touched the book. ha. mug hard tmr xinyi. - back to fri's lunch. the conversations with the bosses were enlightening, and i'd say it did manage to tweak my mindset a little. no, they were not psycho-ing us like MLM ppl do. more like "lifelong lessons" and perspectives or even logic, if u might say, and i guess they were rather inspiring. :) am looking forward to working under them! :) - band today was fun :)) hadnt had sectionals for quite some time and wooo i miss them! haha its a great time to bond with my fluties and its filled with lotsa laughters as usual :) played through "the morning of keith haring" during full band and the first 3 lines of the piece can seriously train diaphragm mann. damn tiring can!! but its nice :) - family gathering at ken's place but it was more of just watching xmen origins with my nephew and cousin-in-law, and then dinner, and playing with baby chloe :) she "dances" to music! especially to her favourite song and wondergirls' nobody but you! damn cute!!! XD - fluties gathering with our 长老-s - hahaha ok very bad always call them this. kk seniors~~ in the evening at vivo and mannnn i miss this bunch!! why flute seciton now only left me and yiting harhhhhh :(( haha wish we cld all be one section again but, 该 graduate 的都 graduate 了 and alumni are also busy with their work so :( ok lah i sense we'll meet up often de lah. with BIRTHDAYS coming, new year, CONCERTS (buy tickets from me!! :P), WEDDINGS... hahahaha. 15k proposal ring. thumbs up to khai khong!! lol. ok thats abt all. really need some shut-eye now. buaiz! Friday, January 08, 2010 ♥ 12:19 AM it seems like its been a long day of calling, but i'd say its a happy-tired :) i seriously felt like i could actually die from calling people during the last 3 minutes in the office cos i was already so tired and im still one call away from my target. thank god -no. thank the customer for calling back and being receptive to what im saying and actually agreed to making the appointment with me so, quota met for today :) an impressive 15 i'd say! hahahaha ok tts so buey bah :P just glad i made a "breakthrough" today! kekez. shopping with peiwen after work and woohoo retail therapy rocks! especially when there're still sales all ard~ :P but yeah last shopping session of the month!! no more money :( and yay im finally sufficiently tired for a knock-out sleep tonight. but before i end, here's another song! :D p/s spamming videos on my blog is absolutely unintentional and definitely not planned. im just soooo lovin' this song right now (too) :) Beyonce - Halo (song starts from 2:52) her voice is just amazing!!!! and i think she's so beautiful too :) kkkkk time to slp!! Everywhere I'm looking now I'm surrounded by your embrace Baby I can see your halo You know you're my saving grace You're everything I need and more It's written all over your face Baby I can feel your halo Pray it won't fade away :) Tuesday, January 05, 2010 ♥ 10:13 PM for those who dont know yet, NTUSB is having our annual concert (Sojourn '10) on 31st Jan (Sunday), 5pm at Victoria Concert Hall! tickets are priced at $12 each so, let me know if u're interested! :) one of my faves and also one of the pieces in our repertoire for this concert is this piece, Scootin' On Hardrock. damn exciting piece to play!! XD super shag towards the end lah but, its really damn nice!! :D well, its not a perfect rendition of the piece (some glitches are quite obvious haha) but, its decent i guess? clarinet section quite strong haha. and hopefully we'll be able to bring a gd one to u on the 31st! :D got this super lengthy fruit-and-veggie chart thingy from an email felicia sent, and here're 7 dont-s after a meal! just for sharing's sake :P (jarvis read this!! :P) Dont smoke - Experiments by experts have proved that smoking a cigarette after a meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes so your chances of cancer are higher. Dont eat fruits immediately - Consuming fruits immediately will cause your stomach to be bloated with air. Take fruits 1 to 2 hours after, or an hour before your meal. Dont drink tea - Tea leaves contain a high acidic content causing the protein we consume to be hardened, and thus difficult to digest. Dont loosen your belt - Loosening the belt after a meal will cause the intestine to be easily twisted and blocked. Dont bathe - Bathing causes the increase of blood flow to the hands and legs. As such, the amount of blood around the stomach will decrease, weakening the digestive system. Dont walk about - It is alleged that if you walk a hundred steps after a meal, you will live until 99. In actual fact, walking causes the digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food that we eat. Dont sleep immediately - The food will not be able to digest properly, and may lead to gastric and infection of the intestines. a good 7 points to note i think! especially for those who didnt know about this previously ;) (yay im one step closer to becoming healthier and fulfilling one of my resolutions! lol.) anyhoo, met up with mom and my cousin for dinner at vivo! :) ![]() cousin just returned from australia so we're just meeting up a lil more before he goes back to aussie this sat. ate at marche and wooooo damn full -.- rosti is becoming reeeeeeally oily nowadays, but im still lovin it so much :P must eat with spring onion den nice!! hahaha. duno lah i just have this fetish for spring onions, if thats how i shld put it :P mom updated him abt family stuff, especially those abt his siblings (oh. he's chloe's uncle btw! :D) and cousin also mentioned he already has his own house in sydney!! woots i didnt know that lol. yay next time go aus got lodging already! :P time passes so fast mann. cant believe he's been staying in aus for 11 years le!! i wonder wads the longest time i can stay overseas on my own next time... if i ever do. haha. anw, one final meeting with him and the rest of the family on this sat before he flies off. hope he'll come back again at the end of the year! :) work again tmr, and i was notified today that the quota has been increased to 12 per day instead of 8 -.-" wan my life mannnnn... ha ok no lah not THAT hard right...? *weak smile* i'll do my best :] ok i better go think of more ways to promote that credit card lol. ciaos! ♥ 12:31 AM Cause you're hot then you're cold You're yes then you're no You're in and you're out You're up and you're down You're wrong when it's right It's black and it's white We fight, we break up We kiss, we make up You! You don't really want to stay, no You! But you don't really want to go-oh You're hot then you're cold You're yes then you're no You're in and you're out You're up and you're down im not intentionally spamming chipmunk videos here but the official MV for this song has been embed-disabled so, *shrug* this one quite cute also lahh haha :) addicted to soooo many songs~~ lol. did i mention i just got hooked to super junior's sorry sorry too?? yes the song by that korean boy band lols. catchy tune! okok must rmbr my resolution. slp early!! shall rest so im fully charged for tmr's work :) duno why but im kinda wondering what tmr might bring.... have this weird feeling hmm. intuition? lol. we shall see :) nights all! Sunday, January 03, 2010 ♥ 10:21 PM The Chipettes - Single Ladies all the single ladies, all the single ladies~~ now put ur hands up! the song is so addictive!! hahaha XD anyhoos, nose has been runny the whole day and the dustbin is overflowing with tissues already. ARGH when will it stop?? i've already taken panadol flu max :( flu aside, i've rotted the entire day away andddd i admit i dont really like it =x humans are so hard to satisfy huh? busy say too busy nth to do say damn sian -.- sighhh. but i honestly kinda wish i have things to do so i wont feel like time is crawling and i'll nv get past the stuffy day. feels so much better when u're up and running and busying urself away and the day's over before u know it! :D but yeah work resuming 2 days later so i guess i shld cherish these 2 days before i start complaining again yeah? :] i realised i have this soft spot for astronomical shows (think meteor, showing on channel 5 at time of blogging!). somehow, its still intriguing to watch videos about the big universe out there and all the planets and meteoroids and stars and supernovas etc. i miss my astronomy class!! X( i dont miss the studying part though haha. there's like LOADS to memorise! >.< and just as a random fyi, Meteoroids are objects like rock or metal flying in space, meteors are falling through the atmosphere (thus "meteor" shower) and meteorite is a rock that's survived entry into the atmosphere (not entirely burned and thus fallen onto the Earth's surface). -WikiAnswers ok im really missing astronomy class now, especially all those colourful fascinating videos that features planets and different stars and simply the wonders of the universe. not sure if i mentioned before but, being an astronaut was one of my fantasy-ambitions when i was little!! :P ok enough of me and my stars-and-moons. anyway, (im in a 4.5/5 blogging mood today so i expect this to be a long entry...) new year resolutions. quite resolute to make resolutions this time round (hur hur ok failed pun) cos i finally feel a lil bit old and i dont suppose i shld waste an entire year's time achieving nth except grades :) so, here goes~ 1 - income!! X( since i've already more or less decided to "embark" on the work-and-study journey, i might as well make the most (money) out of it. really hope i'll be able to put in more effort into this than i usually do so that i can earn enough to save up for my *sobs* flute debt and repayment of that big fat school loan in 2011 and hopefully still have a teeny bit left to spend on shopping :D 2 - exercise! ha i really dont know abt the credibility of this one lah but, i'll try my best? :D actually its kinda impt lah.. cos i realised my stamina for singing and flute-playing has really dropped A LOT and its horrible that i feel breathless after holding like less than 4 bars in a piece x_x yup yup so hopefully i'll draw up a plan to fit in exercise into my busy busy schedule too! :] 3 - healthier diet! :D yes eat more fruits xinyi!!! i shall aim to eat more veggies and take at least one serving of fruit each night ;) 4 - cook!! XD hehe already kinda starting on that. hopefully i'll progress further to making more yummy pasta and possibly other more-difficult-to-cook stuff. speaking of which, i miss baking!!! :( ok i wanna bake another batch of savory muffins and cookies soon!! :D inspired from petit provence and ELSA respectively! :P hmmz like quite a lot hor? =/ really duno if i'll be able to do it... i'll keep my fingers crossed! the rest of the resolutions are more of personal stuff lah, not really achievement-ish so, yeah. private resolutions! haha. hopefully these 4 will be fulfilled ;) had flute supper after wed's band prac and i really love it! :D sad that miki and chenyi werent there but actually tts the reason why anneson's der lols. called him to come rescue flute 1 aka only me cos miki and chenyi had sth on :( anyway, supper only included cindy, jinyan, anneson and me lah but it was still quite a fun 1.5hrs! :) really shld have more of these in future~~ although tt kinda goes against resolution #3 and is a potential fattening activity but, i still think bonding is more impt! hahaha ok i foresee myself getting fat soon =/ and anney mentioned some time thru the day that he'll be attending the 4th (or sth) wedding dinner soon. kinda reels in the reality that we're all in the 20s age group already and marriage is around the corner!! DD: (quotes marie) this is terrible. if i didnt rmbr the info from my textbok wrongly, the estimated age of marriage for females is 25. thats like 4 years from now!! how can it be possible that i age so fast when some time back i was still playing masak-masak with my neighbours.... =x then again, i seriously dont think i'll be married at 25. its just too crazily soon!! >.< what if im still undecided abt my career path?? what if i really wanna further my studies and im still mugging hard and cant marry just like that?? what if i stay single all the way and still nobody wants me at age 25??? i'll probably be like yellowing and mouldy liao.... :'( ha just kidding. do i look like those who'd fret over some nonsensical thoughts generated inside my head?? (the answer's no, btw) im so sorry if i just wasted like a minute of ur life making u read that pile of words =x just feeling kinda talkative today and obvly i have no one to talk to at home with my dad out and my mom watching her soapy korean dramas and no sibling for me to kajiao :( so, i blog! :D ok thats smart. enough of rubbish. i must start slping early!!! and yes that means: resolution #5 - sleep before 1am! reduces the probability of panda eyes in the morning and saves on the use of concealor to cover eye rings which in turn saves money and indirectly helps fulfill resolution #1 :) woohoo! ok im gone. ♥ 3:29 PM I AM SO IN LOVE WITH MY NEW BLOGSKIN!!!!! :D:D:D i just think its just so damn chio :P have been wanting to get a more colourful one in the hopes of possibly "brightening" up my blue-er days when i open IE and YAY im so glad i found this!! :D the stripe-y background had to be self-sourced though cos the one hosted by the designer had "expired" so i spent like dunohowlong searching for the perfect stripe-y bg but no regrets cos its so worth it!! really love how my blog looks now :))) duncha??? hahaha ok it doesnt matter if u dont like it. i do!! :P the best part? if one day i get sick of this i can just change the background and it'll look fresh again (i think)! found so many potential stripe-y backgrounds on photobucket and its so hard to choose. might just change if i get sick of this one day but i guess that wont be likely in the near future lah :P here're some potential ones anyway! :) p/s the pinky-ness of this one is quite boomz (try seeing it in full-screen; the color is like a smack-in-the-face lol) peiwen sure like!!! ok i sincerely hope ur eyes arent going dizzy from seeing so many stripes at one go hahaha. and yesss i really have too much time on my hands which explains the multiple print-screens i made lol. alright i shall curb this elation and catch up on gossip girl :P cya!! Saturday, January 02, 2010 ♥ 9:47 PM woohooo happy new year everyone!! :D keep the best of 2009, learn from the bad ones or just throw them outta ur memory box, and look forward to a better 2010 this year! :) and of cos, happy 21st birthday yihui!! :)) the youngest in our clique has finally turned 21 too~~~ hahaha. eh must really everyday wear like what u wore for ur bday ok!! new year, new style!! lols. here're some photos from ytd! :D ![]() with the ntss ppl! :) ![]() ![]() yay ntmb 万岁! :D p/s: woeilin i love the color of the photos!! dslr rocks!!! XD ![]() ![]() tadaa! lols and guess who i met at the party! ![]() jannah!! my super long-lost sajc 1st 3 months classmate!!! hahaha. totally forgot she's now yihui's coursemate too~ so nice to see her again! :D wish we could caught up more though lols. i miss our crazy 1st 3 mths in 05S55! XD haha yep thats kinda all for now. too many photos on fb! lol. new year countdown at simin's place as usual, but this year with a flu and sore throat :( really sucks to welcome the new year with a cold!! rahhhh. and im still not well. better get well soon before i resume work next week! >.< and i duno why, but im quite into cooking recently HAHA. maybe its sth like a new year resolution to be able to (finally) feed myself properly when no one's home but anyway, just kinda motivated to learn how to cook lols. and i took my first step today in cooking pasta!!! XD haha ok not a very nice pic cos i sudd rmbr-ed i gotta take a photo only halfway thru eating so, yeah :D nvtheless, glad my first attempt was quite yummy (hohoho!) and i didnt burn down the kitchen! XD lols. ok lah fine i just needed to boil the noodles and add sauce but STILLLLLLL gimme some credit for learning how to cook sth else other than maggie mee lah ok???? :D yay. one day i'll fry my own aglio olio~~~ *smug face* hahaha. and and! im soooo addicted to crackers with tuna mayonnaise!! XD its DAMN YUMMY. and i hope its considered a healthy snack cos i keep eating that =/ and speaking of eating, had lunch at banquet today and i almost ordered ban mian again. the last time i ate ban mian at jp's banquet i swore nv to eat ban mian from der again cos der's no pork and some food really must have pork den nice! >.< haha almost forgot i was at banquet just now... but anw, i ordered 小碗面 instead and to my horror i realise its "supposed" to have pork too!!! RAHH. another dish to nv eat in banquet >=( haix. now i know the importance of pork in my life~~ hahaha ok lah shall end here for now. will be getting new blogskin soon! :D yippie! |
colourful xinyi` 201288 sagittarius ntss.sajc.pjc.ntu psy ntmb.sajccb.pjcsb.ntusb music is my life TALK MOVE ntusb anneson annabel cecilia celestine devin ellyne emerald gina izumiko jacqueline jarvis jeeyon jun lijein marie michelle.bei michelle.chiang peiwen shining simin tim woeilin yihui yiting REWIND December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 August 2011 January 2013 TAKE A BOW basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: photobucket photobucket designer: dreyfire inspiration: living a COLOURFUL life/♥s} |